Grace Lutheran PSL

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CareNet walk Pictures and Update

Phil says thanks for the support.
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Hey Walk Warriors!

 Well, that’s a wrap for our 2021 Walk for Life, and as we watch the funds raised continue to be tabulated, we stand AMAZED at the goodness of God and His people!  As I type this, our website, (, reflects $94,077 raised which is 116% of our $81k goal.  WOW. JUST WOW!!!  We estimate that approximately 522 were in attendance on Saturday to enjoy the 24 fun booths, petting zoo, pony rides, live worship, yummy food, and Star Wars Legion!!  SO MUCH of that success is owed to YOU, our AMAZING Walk Liaisons! 

 We are eternally grateful for the time and attention you devoted to serving the Lord and Care Net by helping us bridge the gap between us and the local church and community to promote our 2021 Walk for Life and increase awareness of our mission and ministry.  I know I say it often, but it is only because it is TRUE and heartfelt: We could NOT do what we do without YOU!!!   THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!  Please stay tuned for more updates to the fundraising totals…God is not finished yet!

With Deep Appreciation & Gratitude,