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[Sunday] Lightning Rod - Hold Fast: 2nd Timothy

Amidst so much irreverent babble and ignorant controversies, it's easy to become entrenched in our "lightning rod" beliefs. What if, instead, we stood in the good news of Jesus?

Questions for the Week: Hold Fast:  Paul's 2nd Letter of Timothy - Lightning Rod

  1. What do you think a "lightning rod" issue is in your family or community? How does it create division? Can you think of an example?

  2. Read 2 Timothy 2:14-26.  How can we better focus on Jesus and His love for us, rather than getting caught up in disagreements? What practical steps can we take to do this?

  3. The sermon emphasized that God's foundation is firm. How does the knowledge of “being His” bring you comfort and peace?

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More Info From the Sermon

The Second Testament by Scott McKnight

A Tranlation of the New Testament.

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What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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