Grace Lutheran PSL

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[Sunday] Let My People Go - Hold Fast: 2nd Timothy

All of Scripture is God-breathed; in its inspired voice, we hear the good news, useful teaching, correction, instruction, and training for a life well lived in freedom.

Questions for the Week: Hold Fast:  Paul's 2nd Letter of Timothy - Let My People Go

  1. How does the idea that the Scriptures are "breathed out by God" impact your understanding of their authority and relevance in your life?

  2. Read 2 Timothy Ch 3.  What scary things does Paul highlight?  Where does he point to find hope?

  3. How can we discern between true and false teachers, and what steps can we take to protect ourselves and others from their influence?

  4. In what ways have you experienced God's freedom in your own life? Share specific examples and how these experiences have shaped your faith.

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