Grace Lutheran PSL

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[Sunday] Fear God? - Say What - Jesus Said What?

Luke 12:5

Jesus, do you really want me to live in fear of God because He might throw me into hell? Or is this a larger lesson about what we should fear?

QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK:   Say What?  Jesus said What? - Fear God?

  1. What are some things you fear most in your everyday life? 

  2. Read Luke 12:1-12.  What are some of the things people might have been fearing in Luke’s day?   How did the words of Jesus give hope in those times?

  3. Many places in the Bible speak of fearing God, how would you explain what it means to fear God?

  4. The sermon spoke of Job.  Can you think of other stories from the Bible (or even your own life) that shows God’s love and power over the fear that is in front of you?

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