Bible Studies and Meetings at Grace
Zoom and In-person
Zoom Links
Meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7728716599
Phone Number: 646 876 9923
Meeting ID code: 772 871 6599
If there is a Zoom Failure.
Check back here to this page and there will be an explanation and/or an alternative way of getting together.
Zoom Instructions bottom of page
Bible Studies
Pastor Bible Study 11Am Thursday - Grace Office Classroom
A Study of Dickens A Christmas Carol
Intro - Stave 1
Availability Is what we are talking about this week.
You can use your computer without having a webcam, but your smartphone or tablet will have a built-in camera.
Here’s how you can join the meeting:
A) Use your computer:
click on the meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/86479105007
See Coli’s “how to” video for instructions on getting into the session. The website may ask you to download Zoom, but you don’t have to download anything. Zoom may ask you for your name. Type it in the box provided.
B) Use your smartphone or tablet:
Go into your app store and download Zoom prior to the Bible study. Then open up the email, and click this link: https://zoom.us/j/86479105007
Zoom will probably ask for your name the first time you enter the session.
C) Use your home phone:
Dial this phone number: (253) 215-8782.
When prompted, enter the meeting ID code: 864 7910 5007
This is not a toll-free number, so keep that in mind if you do not have unlimited long distance dialing.
Bible Study of Daniel Chapter 7