When Jesus was asked what is most important, He said
"Love the Lord your God with all your
heart, soul, Mind, and STRENGTH;
and Love your Neighbor as your self.
Here are the ways we are currently loving our neighbors:
Sarah’s Kitchen
Soup Kitchen that serves hot meals every Monday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Grace is one of seven churches involved in this kitchen. If you would like more information or would be interested in volunteering, please contact the church office at 772-871-6599.
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)
Meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, 9:15 to 11.15 am. For more information, please contact the church office 772-8716599.
Backpack Program
We have adopted a local school that has children who often spend the weekends without proper nourishment. The backpack ministry meets once a week to pack food for each child to take home over the weekend. For more information on needs for backpack, please contact the church office 772-871-6599.
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League meets in the Fellowship Hall on the first Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. All women are invited. Click link for more information on the many projects of LWML.
Habitat for Humanity
Non-profit Christian housing organization building simple and affordable housing in partnership with people in need. Join with members of Grace who work the local projects. Click www.humanity.orgn for further information and how to you can be involved.
Care Net Pregnancy of the Treasure coast
Care Net is a Christian ministry that we here at Grace support both through our budget and throughout the year with involvement in the "Walk for Life," Fall Banquet, Mother's Day "Baby Bottle collections," etc. Click www.carenettc.com for more information and how you personally can be more involved.
Mustard Seed
Local food pantry that we support. Drop off nonperishable food in the Fellowship Hall and it will be delivered to Mustard Seed. For further information on how you can help, contact Mustard Seed directly at 772-340-1406. Be sure to visit their 2 resale shops.
See the Seminar photos