1st Commandment - Confirmation
Theme Verse
I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me.
Exodus 20:2-3
Luther’s Small Cat
You shall have no other gods.
What does this mean? We should fear, love, and trust in God above all things.
Idolity =
When we fear love and trust in other things
Remember 1 Thing
The Almighty God who created you loves you severely . This God commands, desires and deserves first place in your heart, soul, mind and schedule.
Gods of the Times
Which of the following would you rate as the top two “gods” of society today and why?:
Looking at the Meanings
What does Martin Luther have to say about the meaning of this commandment?
Idol Banter
Who are some of the current “idols” of our culture?
What products or symbols come to mind when you think of these idols?
What is an idol?
What is a “graven image”?
How is Jesus different from the current icons and idols of society?
Evidence of an idol
“The evidence for this appears when people are arrogant, secure, and proud because of such possessions, but desperate when they lack them or lose them”
Other Key Verses
What does each verse have to do with the theme verse?
Exodus 32
Isaiah 44:6-8 + Rest of chapter
Matthew 6:19-24
I John 5:13-21
Good News
However, in order that they may take careful note of the meaning of this commandment and remember it. the unschooled should be told this.
We are to trust in God alone look to him and expect to receive nothing but good things from him, he it is who gives us body life food drink nourishment health protection, peace and everything we need by way of temporal and eternal blessings, he it is who in addition guards us against misfortune and when.Something does go against us help and delivers us thus as I have said often enough. God alone is the one to whom we receive whatever is good and who delivers us from whatever is evil.