FRESH- Shamefully Fresh


This Week

MOPS                                                                    Tuesday, 9:00 am

Grace BOD                                                            Tuesday, 5:15 pm

Heatherwood HOA                                               Tuesday, 7:00 pm

Mahjongg                                                              Wednesday, 12:00 noon

Bible Study @Perkin’s Restaurant                      Thursday, 7:30 am

Korean Church Prayer Meeting                           Saturday, 6:00 am

SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT  BIBLE CLASS will begin at  9:15 pm. Students from grades 4 through 7 will be together in one class taught by Barbara Ruzicka.  We will be using the children’s room.  Friends are welcome.  Decisions on the start of a Confirmation Class will be discussed with Pastor Cris soon. And of course, all adults are invited to participate in the Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class.

THE FLOWERS adorning the altar this morning are given to the glory of Jesus, our Savior by Nancy Brewer.

 BIRTHDAY GREETINGS   Jill Wallen, 1/20.

 ANNIVERSARIES   No anniversaries listed this week.

If we have missed your anniversary or birthday, please drop us a note in the office or email us at


A new flower chart is posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. If you would like to order flowers to adorn the alter for a specific Sunday, please write your name on the appropriate line.  The cost per Sunday is $27.00. We thank you for your help.

MOPS ARE BACK AND ARE LOOKING FOR MOPPETS   We need people to help with the children the first and third Tuesday of each month from 9:00 to 11:00 am.  If you are interested or know anyone who might be interested, please contact Bonnie Hawthorne at 561/906-7867.


THE BACKPACK PROGRAM   Backpack is up and running for this school year. Check the bulletin board for items needed, or speak with Carol Coffman or Leigh Liagre.