3rd Commandment - Confirmation
Theme Verse
Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy.
Exodus 20:8
Luther’s Small Cat
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not despise preaching and His Word, but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it.
Remember 1 Thing
The Sabbath was given as a gift – a day of rest, worship and re-creation.
We are to use it to hear God’s Word, celebrate God’s goodness and be restored for the week ahead.
Working to Death
What happens to you when you don’t get enough rest or sleep? How do you feel? Act? Look? Think?
True or false: You can live longer without food than without sleep
How is rest important for the following?:
Mental health
Physical health
Spiritual health
What is the difference between “re-creation” and “wreck-creation?”
God took a day off after creation
Why do you suppose God commanded that people take a day to refresh, re-create and remember?
The Sabbath is meant for worship and re-creation
Why was the Sabbath Created?
Read Genesis 2:2-3
This commandment was given in a society which sometimes literally worked its slaves and animals to death
The Sabbath is a marvelous gift, intended as a day of rest, rejuvenation, recreation and remembrance to the people, their servants and foreigners in the land
How did it Evolve in O.T. Times?
Psalm 92 is titled “A Song for the Sabbath”
What can be learned from this song about proper activities for the Sabbath?
How Did Jesus Use The Sabbath?
He took care of the physical needs of his disciples and healed people (Matthew 12:1-14)
He taught and cast out evil spirits (Mark 1:21)
He went to the synagogue to preach and proclaim freedom (Luke 4:16-21)
He healed again and got in trouble with the authorities (John 9:13-16)
Why Sunday?
The early church saw every day as holy
They began to set aside Sunday as a special day to celebrate and worship in honor of the resurrection
Teach the Tongue
“Those who grossly misuse and desecrate the holy day, those for example who neglect God’s word becasue of greed or frivolity or who laze about in bars, drinking and stuffing themselves. are not the only one who violate this commandment. It is transgressed also by that other crowd who listen to God’s word as to some entertainment and come to the preaching service merely by the force of habit and leave again with as little understanding of the word at the end of the year as at the begging. ”
Using it properly
For the Sake of the body and its needs.
Observe holy days, for participation in worship, for coming together to hear and to work with the word of God and to praise God by song and prayer.
Other Key Verses
What does each verse have to do with the theme verse?
Proverbs 15:2
Matthew 5:34-37
Hosea 4:2-3