A Survival Guide to the Great Exhaustion

A Survival Guide to the Great Exhaustion

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to receive.

Read Whole article here A Survival Guide to the Great Exhaustion - Mockingbird (mbird.com)

Welcome to The Great Exhaustion. That’s how our modern era has recently been christined. With 47 million people voluntarily quitting their jobs last year, the cracks in our broke and burned out generation are beginning to show more and more. From family life, to the housing crisis, to global stressors, it feels like we are more exhausted than ever before. “People are feeling a strain on more than just their work calendars,” Emily Ballesteros wrote in Time last week. “They’re feeling it on their spirits.” From stay-at-home moms to tech executives, there is plenty of weariness to go around…………………………………………….

Read Whole article here A Survival Guide to the Great Exhaustion - Mockingbird (mbird.com)


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