Biblical Glasses - Harry Potter - Sundays 4PM

Good afternoon,

This email is for those at Grace or friends of mine who might have an interest in participating in this group...long awaited and eagerly anticipated by some (including me)'s finally happening! Please invite others to join us, whether on Zoom or in person!

Beginning next Sunday afternoon at 4:00 eastern (9/19), there will be an 8-week study where we dive into discussion based around the Harry Potter movies (with a little context from the book thrown in a bit). I have Bible study materials to help me plan these discussions so they're meaningful.

See the attached flyer for additional details. Snacks will be served beginning at 3:45, and the ZOOM and live discussion will begin at 4:00.

Please complete this quick survey to let me know your interest, especially if you're not interested in receiving an email about this again. Haha! SURVEY LINK

I hope to see you next Sunday afternoon!

Coli Escher

