[Sunday] Blind Joy - Comfort Comfort
The world may boast victory in the face of our struggles, leaving us blind to the bigger picture. But Jesus, the one who illuminates our innermost being, whispers a promise of sight beyond the present darkness. Like the man born blind, our blurry vision will someday come into focus, revealing an unstoppable joy.
QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK: Comfort Comfort - Blind Joy
Describe a time Jesus said something confusing, that was difficult to understand.
Read John 16:16-24. As the disciples are confused, what does Jesus promise?
What illustration does Jesus use to show sorrow and confusion turning to joy?
How does Jesus meet us in sorrow and bring joy?
Jesus does not become unclean by touching the afflicted; instead, HE imparts healing and life. It shows the kingdom is for everyone. Matthew Chapters 8-9