Goats and Rams - Uncomfortable - Daniel 8


  1. Describe a scary experience you’ve had with an animal.  What made it so scary?

  2. Read Daniel 8:1-14.  Daniel is told later in chapter 8 that the destructive ram and goat represent the Persian and Greek empires.  It was terrifying for him. As a Christian, what in the world terrifies you today?

  3. If you read the explanation of the vision in Daniel 8:15-27, we see that ultimately the ram and the goat cause destruction but will be destroyed “by no human hand” (v. 25).  God will give his people the victory. Peter speaks of similar trials that God’s people will face. Read 1 Peter 1:6-9. How does Jesus give you the victory in the midst of trials? 

  4. Knowing that Jesus has won the victory and has defeated the scary rams and goats, how do we live now?

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