Elevator Encounters


Ihave been in two heated race-related situations in the past six months. Both of them have happened at elevators.

Several months ago I was leaving a doctor’s office and looking for the restroom in the corridor. A black man walked out behind me with a name tag and a clip board and I assumed he was a doctor in the practice. I turned and asked him if he knew where the restroom was. He snapped back, “I don’t work here!” To which I responded, “Got it. Sorry.”

Then as he headed towards the elevator and I headed on a hunt to empty my bladder he yelled back, “Stupid white bitch thinks I work here!”

To which I yelled back, “Sorry!”

He did not respond. He got on the elevator, and I found a toilet.

Then just last week we were on a family weekend vacation and were standing at the hotel elevator bank with our children. We had already lectured them about how we cannot go bounding onto elevators with other people. There were signs up about one party per elevator and I was not interested in bringing a corona virus strand back as a souvenir…………………

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