Email 8-17-17

Email 8-17-17

Revelation Bible Study

Tuesdays 11AM

Pastor Russ (who lead our confession last Sunday)  

He is leading an amazing study on Revelation

Have you ever wondered about Revelation, Wondered what all that scary stuff means. Why is it even in the bible. Come to this class!

We will see you there

Tuesdays at 11 am At Grace

Family Meals Volunteer Orientation

Family Meals is hosting a volunteer (leader and assistant) orientation and providing a light supper. Please join us at Trinity Lutheran Church ( Monday, August 28. We plan to begin at 5:30 - 7:30.

More details will be on Grace's web site soon. 


Mops Volunteers Needed. 

MOPS (mothers of Preschoolers) is a great organization which brings mothers from our community of St Lucie West and provides a strong support group. 

They meet at Grace on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the morning. 

They need Volunteers to watch there precious preschoolers. 

Please email the Grace Office at if you have questions or would like to sign up. 


August Newsletter is Out!

Download yours Now!


Watch Last Week's Sermon
Holy Discontent

Nehemiah sees the city of God, Jerusalem, and is troubled. The wooden gates are burned, and the stones are cast down. What does Nehemiah do here? He confesses his sins to God the Father. 


Watch all past sermons at

Racism, Dealing with It

Editor’s note: in the wake of the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, a word on dealing with racism from Professor Leo Sánchez.

In a sinful world, racism will not go away. Every so often, it raises its ugly head in public. But rather than merely stating what seems so obvious—racism is a sin—here are some practical ways to confront it head on and deal with it.

 Read the rest at: 

See you Sunday!


Catherine Stephens Memorial Service


Luther Movie - October 19th