7-17-19 Email Backpacks

School Supplies for Haiti 

  • Last Pickup August 4th

  • BIG NEED: Backpacks

  • Normal school supplies are needed. 

  • I have been told Dollar General has a great selection. 

  • This Week’s Reflection Questions

    • Tell about a time when you looked for power.  Where did you try and find it?

    • Read Acts 19:1-7.  What does God’s Spirit do when Paul lays his hands to the disciples in Ephesus?

    • Read Acts 19:11-20.  What powerful things does the Spirit do?  How do the Jewish exorcists misuse that power and the name of Jesus?

    • What are some ways that we might misuse the name of Jesus and the Spirit’s power today?

    • Read Acts 19:21-41.  What concern does Demetrius have concerning the message of Paul about Jesus?  Why do you think he has those concerns?

    • In what ways has Jesus confronted and challenged you? How has that caused you to be changed?

  • Watch the Week’s Sermon

    • True Power

    • Paul walks into Ephesus, and he sees multiple displays of power. First he sees the Spirit of God when some are baptized and they begin speaking in tongues.  Then he sees the Spirit when some begin to use the power for their own gain and are quickly humbled. Finally, there’s power of the crowd when they feel Paul’s message of Jesus threatens their city and their God.

    • https://www.gracelutheranpsl.com/news/spirit-acts19

  • The Spirit Experience - Sermon Series 

    • The Book of Acts

    • It’s about those who are enlivened by the Lord’s Spirit and are going out and acting as witnesses. 

    • Sunday 10AM

  • Needed: Sunday Photographer

    • We would like someone to shoot pictures of families on Sunday Mornings. 

      • In on our ongoing efforts to keep directory updated we want to shoot pictures of families at church. 

      • Let Pastor Cris know if you are interested. 

  • Thursday Bible Reading

    • 11AM on Thursdays, we get together to read the Bible and talk about what we have heard. We are currently reading 2 Kings.

    • This is Pastor’s favorite Bible study. Join us as we listen to scripture for 45 minutes then talk about what we have heard.  

    • We have been doing this Bible study for almost 2 years, and in that time we have read. Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1+2 Samuel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Job, Isaiah, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Philippians, Hebrews, and Revelation.

    • All of this in just an hour and 15 minutes a week. Come join us as we continue to read the Bible together. 

  • Prayer List!

    • We have made changes to the prayer list. 

      • We will keep a prayer request on the list for 3 weeks. 

      • Please let us know every 3 weeks if you would like to keep someone on the list. 

      • This change was made to ensure an accurate list of prayers. 

    • Here is how to give us a prayer request. 

  • See you Sunday!