Forgive and Give
God gave His one and only Son so that we might be forgiven. This core idea of the Christian faith seems to permeate Paul’s words as he works to reconcile the relationship with the Corinthians. A generous spirit is one that heals people. It's amazing to think of how a generous spirit in all ways, especially our money, could heal and give good news to so many.
Just as Christ is “the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end,” at the close of every liturgical year, we look forward with a renewed hope in Christ’s coming again in glory to reign as Lord forever. In the same way, we look forward to our own resurrection and the time of a new earth — an earth that is no longer broken by sin and groaning. Christ will come again in glory just as surely as He came the first time — when He was born. So we have “transition” at the end of the “long green season” into the Advent Season, the new beginning of the liturgical year.