[Sunday] Speak Well - Generosity

[Sunday] Speak Well - Generosity

What she does is pretty outlandish. But while the disciples scold her for being wasteful, Jesus stands up for her. May we stand up for even the foolish, because we might just be emulating the grace of Jesus.

QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK:   Generosity -Speak Well

  1. How does a person’s reputation affect his standing in society?

  2. Read Mark 14:1-9.   What do the disciples think about the woman who pours out the nard?  How do they describe what she’s done?  If you were that woman, how would you have felt at that moment?

  3. How does Jesus respond to the disciples?  What does Jesus do for this woman?  How does Jesus do this same thing for you?

  4. Who will you see this week that is normally slandered?  How might you speak well of them this week?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 


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