[Sunday] Gideon's 300 - His Eyes The Book of Judges
Judges Chapters 6-9
Despite hiding in fear, Gideon becomes God's unlikely instrument for delivering Israel, a reminder that God uses the unassuming to achieve the extraordinary.
QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK: His Eyes: The Book of Judges - Gideon’s 300
Initially Gideon feels underqualified for the calling God makes on his life. Have you ever felt unqualified for a calling or responsibility?
Read Judges 6. How can Gideon's story help us deal with feelings of inadequacy when faced with a calling or challenge?
Read Judges 7:The concept of "too many people" (Gideon having too large an army) is an interesting one. How can this idea apply to our own ministries or our vocations? When might trusting God involve letting go of control or certain ways of doing things?
Gideon ends up making an idol (the ephod) out of his success. Can you think of any times in your own life where you've taken credit for something God played a role in? How can we be mindful of giving God the credit he deserves?
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a