[Sunday] Blind Samson - His Eyes The Book of Judges
Judges Chapters 10-12
Samson is set apart. He has a special diet and ways to groom himself. He is powerful and can defeat those who should be stronger than him. But even though he is blind to the ways of God, God is not blind of him.
QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK: His Eyes: The Book of Judges - Blind Samson
We connected Samson's struggles to our own tendency to be blind to God's work. Can you think of a time when you relied on your own strength instead of trusting in God?
Read Judges 15:11-16 and Judges 16:23-30. What evidence is there that Samson had selfish motivation to fight the Philistines?
Skim over all of Samson’s story from Judges 14-16. In what ways is Samson just like the people of Israel? How is Samson blind to what God is doing? In what ways are we similar?
Jesus comes to fulfill Israel. How is Jesus a true and better judge for us?
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a