[Sunday] Jonah Chapter 2
Service [above] Sermon releases at 10pm [under]
Questions for the Week
Describe a time of struggle in your life, where God used it to draw you closer to him?
Read Jonah 2:1-3. Jonah cries out from the belly of the fish. What does Jonah see as God’s role in his current situation?
Read Jonah 2:4-9. What does God use this negative situation to cause Jonah to see?
How has God used difficult situations in your life, to help you see His mercy more?
Read Jonah 2 :10. What eventually does God do to Jonah? How has Jesus rescued you after going through a rough situation?
---- THIS WEEK AT GRACE - Today October 4, 2020
Worship Service 8:30 AM
Second Worship Service and
Video Service www.gracelutheranpsl.com 10:15 AM
Zoom into Fellowship 12:00 PM - Noon
Korean Church Worship 1:00 PM
AA 7:30 PM
Rest of the week October 5 - 10, 2020
LWML Monday 12:30 pm
Olivet School Tuesday, 8 AM - 1PM
Adopt - A - Mile Tuesday 8:30 AM
Individual/Family Communion Wednesday, 11:00, 11:20, 11:40 & Noon
ZOOM Bible Study Thursday, 11:00 AM
Korean Church Prayer Saturday, 6:00 AM
For complete calendar information, go to www.gracelutheranpsl.com/calendar
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK: Bob Fox - 10/5, Clara Creelman - 10/6, Glen Hudson & Katie Hoffman - 10/7, Pat Bachman - 10/8, Lorie Schultz - 10/9.
ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK: Bernie & Shirley Mullins - 10/4 (23 yrs), Steve & Kim Glish - 10/5 (35 yrs), Paul & Pat Hasz - 10/10 (33 yrs)
THE FLOWERS ADORNING THE ALTAR one vase is given by Hatha & Terry Brown in memory of her daughter, Mary Ellen Padrick. The second vase is from Shirley & Bernie Mullins in honor of their 23rd wedding anniversary.
LWML will meet this MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1:00 p.m. in the church fellowship area. Join in snacks and fellowship at 12:30! ALL ladies at Grace are welcomed! Bring a friend!
ADOPT-A-MILE (A WEEK EARLIER!) is this Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at 8:30 AM! Our meeting place will be on the corner of Torino and Conus. For more information contact: Judy Fredrich (561) 315-9555 pjfred@outlook.com
CARENET BANQUET THANKS Rough stats as of now, Thursday evening $70K, Friday evening $116K. This will greatly help the development of a much needed Carenet center near Gatlin Blvd. Thank you all so very much for your support to save babies and families.
PLEASE CALL PEOPLE I realize I take for granted that people just come to the church on a regular basis. So that we all don’t descend into madness, let’s call and talk to each other regularly. Phone directories are available for your convenience.
GIVING - We are here to provide “Grace and Peace in this Chaotic and Lonely Time” to those in our church and community. Thank you for your past and continual prayers and financial support to Grace and your community. We have added Paypal for online donations. If you would like to give through Paypal, please go to: www.GraceLutheranPSL.com and click the “GIVE” button on the upper right side of the page.
COMMUNION ON WEDNESDAY: If you, or someone you know, would like to celebrate Holy Communion but prefer a small group or unable to attend Sunday service, Pastor Cris has set aside Wednesday’s to celebrate the meal in small/family groups. Please come by on Wednesday at: 11:00, 11:20, 11:40 or 12:00 (noon) and partake of this wonderful meal.
SEE YOUR GRACE FAMILY ON ZOOM! Pastor and Coli will be hosting Zoom to Coffee at NOON every Sunday for those who would like to join in fellowship “virtually” to see and chat with Grace members and friends. All are welcome!
BIBLE STUDY FOR ALL Pastor Cris is conducting a “livestream” Bible study online (www.GracelutheranPSL.com) with ZOOM, for you to participate in on Thursdays at 11:00 AM. ** You are also welcome to attend the Bible Study at church, in person! ** Seating with social distancing along with wearing your mask is now happening, at the Bible Study on Thursday at 11 AM and at Worship on Sundays at 8:30 AM and 10:15 AM.
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a