[Sunday] Is It I? - Kingdom Way - Matthew 26a

Though shadowed by betrayal, a moment of lavish love reveals a redemption that waits for us in Galilee.Matthew Chapter 26a

Questions for the Week: Kingdom Way: Is It I?

  1. Where do you see "wasteful" acts of love and devotion in today's world, and how are they perceived by others?

  2. Read Matthew 26:6-13.   Why was the woman’s act seen as wasteful?  Can you think of a time when someone's act of generosity or love seemed "wasteful" to others? How can we cultivate a heart that appreciates and responds to God's extravagant grace?

  3. Read Matthew 14:-32. The sermon emphasized how the disciples allowed their "I" to get in the way. Where in your own life do you see your "I" taking priority over God's will? Are there any specific situations where you need to examine your motives? 

  4. We often fear failure and try to hide our weaknesses. How does the message that Jesus goes before us in Galilee, even after our failures, comfort you? How can we create a safe space where we can acknowledge our weaknesses and support each other in times of failure?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 


Guys Night - 5:45pm 1st Thursdays