Love Over Words - Truthiness in Faith - 1 John 1
Today January 29, 2017
- 1st Worship 8:00 am
- Bible Study and Sunday School 9:15 am
- 2nd Worship 10:30 am
- Fellowship Immediately following 2nd worship
- Korean Church Worship 1:00 pm
This Week
- Worship Team Tuesday, 10:00 am
- Via de Cristo Reunion @ Bocks home Tuesday, 6:30 pm
- Bible Study @Perkin’s Restaurant Thursday, 7:30 am
- Brownie Troop Thursday, 6:30 pm
- Korean Church Prayer Meeting Saturday, 6:00 am
- Memorial Service for Ron Scheer Saturday, 11:00 am
will begin at 9:15 am. Students from grades 4 through 7 will be together in one class taught by Barbara Ruzicka. We will be using the children’s room. Friends are welcome. Decisions on the start of a Confirmation Class will be discussed with Pastor Cris soon. And of course, all adults are invited to participate in the Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class.
adorning the altar this morning are given to the glory of Jesus, our Savior by Gloria Solack.
BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Phil Fredrick, 2/4.
ANNIVERSARIES Anthony & Ivy Choppa, 1/30 (2).
If we have missed your anniversary or birthday, please drop us a note
A new flower chart is posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. If you would like to order flowers to adorn the alter for a specific Sunday, please write your name on the appropriate line. The cost per Sunday is $27.00. We thank you for your help.
in the office or email us at
Let's put together a worship team that can learn new and old songs and help the congregation to learn them too. The beauty of this idea is that we can do it with just 2 or 3 or with more, if more are willing. Come join us on Tuesday, January 31 at 10:00 am.
Sunday - February 5, 2017
Help support this fundraiser for the Real Life Children’s Ranch by ordering your Super Bowl Subs. Cost is $5.00 each.
6” Turkey with white or yellow cheese – OR - 6” Ham with white or yellow cheese
All subs will come with lettuce and tomato and will be available to pick up at Grace Lutheran Church, 555 SW Cashmere, Port St. Lucie on February 5th between 8am and Noon. Extra subs will be available at the church day of.
To order call Vivian Barto, 810-423-7877. Orders must be placed by today, January 29, 2017.
For the year 2017 a new Prayer List is started. All of our members will remain but the family and friends portion began the first of the year. If you have family and/or friends you would like our members to include in our prayers, please submit their names in writing by completing one of the forms in the narthex or send an email to the church office at and title it Prayer List. Thank you.
The February meeting is open to our men and ladies! Speaker will be from the Lions Club International, a wonderful community oriented organization of volunteers existing in over 200 countries, with sight, hearing and diabetes awareness programs and disaster relief all over the world. 2017 is the Centennial year of this wonderful organization. All are invited to hear about it at our February 6th meeting, 1 pm. See Cheryl Nolte with any questions.
Mark your calendars and gather your friends and neighbors for a fun, family-friendly game night at Grace on Friday, February 10. Join us any time 6:00 or later. We'll have snacks and a wide variety of games provided, but you're welcome to bring your own to share. Contact for more information.
Remember to check out our website and follow us on Facebook. They’re both “works-in-progress”, but the calendar and information on our website is updated constantly.
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity