Matthew 19:26 - Mis"Quoted"

Today January 28, 2018

Sunday School & Adult Bible Study    8:45 pm
Worship    10:00 am
Fellowship    Immediately following the service
Korean Church Worship    1:00 pm
Women’s Community Bible Study    4:00 pm
AA    7:30 pm

This Week

LWML    2/5, Monday, 1:00 pm
Via de Cristo @ Bocks home    2/5, Monday, 6:30 pm
Weekly Revelation Bible Study    2/6, Tuesday, 11:00 am
Carrabbba’s Annual Fundraiser    2/7, Wednesday, 11:00 am
Mahjong    2/7, Wednesday, Noon
Bible Study @Perkin’s Restaurant    2/8, Thursday, 7:00 am
Scripture Narration    2/8, Thursday,  11:00 am
Foster Grandparents    2/9,Friday, 10:00 pm
Game Night    2/9, Friday, 6:00 pm
Korean Prayer Meeting    2/10, Saturday, 6:00 am
Real Life Ranch Pancake Breakfast    2/10, Saturday, 7:00 am    


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What Had happened at Grace this week.