[Sunday] The Reset - Missio Dei
The head Pharisee yelled at the guard for not capturing Jesus, “Has the whole world gone after Him?" Frustrated, this head Pharisee desperately needed a win, but not just a win; winning was his entire goal, and that goal blinded him to the heart of God in the world. We are no different. We need a reset.
Questions for the week
Think of a time when you took wanting to win too far. How did that affect you and the relationships around you?
Read John 8:21-20. Jesus speaks of “being lifted up.” What does this mean? Why would that be divisive?
As you read through the gospel of John, how does Nicodemus understand what it means that Jesus is lifted up?
How has Jesus reset and restored you?
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a