Movies You Can Watch With Your Extended Family That Are Actually Good

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OK, presumably, not many of us are headed home for the holidays. Unless you’re already living with your parents (which, all things considered, is neither unlikely nor anything to be embarrassed about) you’re probably, hopefully keeping Thanksgiving a small, socially distanced affair this year as we all do our best to flatten that nerve-wracking curve until the vaccine starts rolling in.

But being socially distant doesn’t mean we’re not involved with our families at all on the big day. Teleparty, for example, is a great way to watch movies together over long distances. It synchronizes Netflix, HBO Max or Hulu movies over multiple accounts so you can all watch a movie together and even keep the conversation going with each other.

Ah, but what movie? Assuming you’ve already made it through the ranks of the Pixar classics and Disney’s better options, you might be looking for a solid option to watch with the parents. Of course, nothing with any spicy content will do — there’s nothing worse than white-knuckling it through a sex scene with your mom and dad right there. You also don’t want too much swearing or grisly violence. But you do want the movie to be good, right? Just not too good in a way that some relatives might consider “pretentious” or “artsy-fartsy.” You want it to be wholesome but not stupid.

What’s a movie-lover to do?

Never fear. We at RELEVANT have combed through the ranks of movies to find some broadly appealing options that should win over anyone on your list………………………………

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