[Sunday] Expanding Christmas - Nostalgia
Service [above] Sermon releases at 10pm [under]
Questions for the Week
When you think of family gatherings around the holidays, do you prefer smaller gatherings or gatherings where everyone in the family is invited? Why?
Read Genesis 22. Why do you think it would be difficult for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, the son of the promise?
Read Hebrews 11:17-19. How do you see Jesus in this story of the sacrifice of Issac?
In difficult times, where have you seen God be faithful to his promise for you?
---- THIS WEEK AT GRACE - Today December 6, 2020
Worship Service 8:30 AM
Second Worship Service and
video service www.gracelutheranpsl.com 10:15 AM
Zoom into Fellowship 12:00 PM - Noon
Korean Church Worship 1:00 PM
AA 7:30 PM
Rest of the week December 7 - 12, 2020
LWML Monday - 1 PM
Adopt-A-Mile Tuesday - 8:30 AM
Olivet School Tuesday, 8 AM - 1 PM
Individual/Family Communion Wednesday - 11 AM - Noon
Advent Gathering - Fellowship - meal Wednesday, 5:30 PM
“Traditions” Cookies & Cards 6:30 PM
Bible Study Thursday - 11 AM
also on Zoom
Korean Church Prayer Gathering Saturday, 6 AM
For complete calendar information, go to www.gracelutheranpsl.com/calendar
COMING UP: December 13th - Youth Group Outdoor Games (NEXT SUNDAY!)
December 16th - Advent meal and activities - “Christmas Memories”
Christmas Eve Services - 4 PM & 7 PM
Christmas Day Service - 10:15 AM
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK Marie Harms - 12/6, Mark Davey - 12/8,
Jeff Tuning - 12/11, Fred Kutschinski - 12/12
ANNIVERSARIES THIS WEEK: Grace Lutheran Church - 12/6/1990 (30 Years!)
THE FLOWERS ADORNING THE ALTAR are given by Gene & Leigh Liagre in celebration of their 47 years of marriage.
CHECK IT OUT THE 2021 FLOWER CHART is up and ready for you to sign up for donating flowers next year in memory of or to honor someone close to you, a special occasion or giving thanksgiving to God. Weekly cost for the two vases of flowers is $30.00.
ADOPT-A-MILE is this Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 8:30 AM! Our meeting place will be on the corner of Torino and Conus. For more information contact: Judy Fredrich (561) 315-9555 pjfred@outlook.com
2021 ENJOYMENT COUPON BOOKS: are now available in the Narthex. The coupon books sell for $35.00 each of which $10.00 is donated to Grace Lutheran’s Youth Group needs.
PLEASE CALL SEND CARDS TO PEOPLE Let’s change it up! Have you considered sending Christmas cards this year? Why not grab a church directory or request an electronic version and send cards out this season to your Grace family.
SEE YOUR GRACE FAMILY ON ZOOM! Pastor and Coli will be hosting Zoom to Coffee at NOON every Sunday for those who would like to join in fellowship “virtually” to see and chat with Grace members and friends. All are welcome!
GIVING - We are here to provide “Grace and Peace in this Chaotic and Lonely Time” to those in our church and community. Thank you for your past and continual prayers and financial support to Grace and your community.We have added Paypal for online donations. If you would like to give through Paypal, please go to: www.GraceLutheranPSL.com and click the “GIVE” button on the upper right side of the page.
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a