Questioning God's Wisdom - Justice and Brothers
Today March 5, 2017
1st Worship 8:00 am
Bible Study and Sunday School 9:15 am
2nd Worship 10:30 am
Fellowship Immediately following 2nd worship
Korean Church Worship 1:00 pm
This Week
MOPS Tuesday, 9:00 am
Surviving Spouses Tuesday, 12:30 pm
Via deCristo @ Bocks home Tuesday, 6:30 pm
Mah-jongg Wednesday, Noon
Midweek Potluck Wednesday, 5:00 pm
Midweek Service Wednesday, 6:00 pm
Bible Study @Perkin’s Restaurant Thursday, 7:30 am
Worship Team Thursday, 10:00 am
Basic General Health Thursday, 2:00 p,
Confirmation Class Thursday, 6:00 pm
Casual Game Night Friday, 6:00 pm
Korean Church Prayer Meeting Saturday, 6:00 am
CareNet Walk for Life , Jensen Beach HS Saturday, 9:00 am
SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE CLASS will begin at 9:15 am until March 19th when it will begin again at 8:45. Students from grades 4 through 7 will be together in one class taught by Barbara Ruzicka. We will be using the children’s room. Friends are welcome. And of course, all adults are invited to participate in the Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class.
THE FLOWERS adorning the altar this morning are given to the glory of Jesus, our Savior by Bob and Vivian Barto.
BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Gene Liagre, 3/6; Jan C. Lendak, 3/8.
If we have missed your anniversary or birthday, please drop us a note
in the office or email us at
ANNIVERSARIES There are no anniversaries listed this week.
A new flower chart is posted on the bulletin board in the narthex. If you would like to order flowers to adorn the alter for a specific Sunday, please write your name on the appropriate line. The cost per Sunday is $27.00. We thank you for your help.
PRAYER LIST If you have family and/or friends you would like our members to include in our prayers, please submit their names in writing by completing one of the forms in the narthex or send an email to the church office at Grace and title it Prayer List.
Thank you.
THURSDAYS, AT 6:00 pm, CONFIRMATION CLASSES are offered in the sanctuary. All are invited. If you would like a refresher course, please feel free to join us.
Lenten Midweek Gatherings Join us on Wednesday evenings until Holy Week at 5:00 for potluck dinner followed by 6:00 worship and study
Basic CPR non-certified and general health information class given by Vivian Barto and Jan Lendak, Thursday, March 9th in the fellowship hall from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Must call for reservation, 772/237-2626 or 561/315-9555. Class is free.
Casual Game Night March 10 Our first family-friendly, non-competitive game night was such fun that we’re going to make it a regular event! Join in on the second Friday of each month any time after 6:00 pm. Bring a snack to share if you’d like. We have games available, but anyone is welcome to bring something new to try. This is an easy way to envelop friends, family, and neighbors in Christian community as well.
Saturday, March 11, 2017, CAREWALK FOR LIFE 2017, Jensen Beach High School, 2875 NW Goldenrod R
Remember to check out our website and follow us on Facebook. They’re both “works-in-progress”, but the calendar and information on our website is updated constantly.
oad, Jensen Beach, FL. Registration: 9:00 am.
Sermon on the Mount this Lent
Week 1 is Matthew 5:1-6 - Kingdom Identity