[Sunday] Hannah's Pattern - Rise & Fall

Hannah is a mess. She is made fun of constantly, and to top it off, she cannot have children. She is even disrespected by the priest while trying to pray. But suddenly we see a pattern emerge that sings of the God who remembers the humble.

Questions This Week

  1. When is a time when you’ve experienced great anxiety, vexation, or trouble because someone was making fun of a weakness of yours?

  2. Read 1 Samuel 2:1-10.  What does Hannah experience in the midst of her weakness and lowliness?

  3. What other stories in the Bible does Hannah’s story remind you of?  How do you see the pattern of God’s kingdom working in these stories?

  4. Jesus was lowly on the cross.  How does this change how you relate to others?

Bible Study for Sundays Chapters

What Had happened at Grace this week.