[Sunday] - Say What?! God Help Those who Help Themselves
Service [above] Sermon [under]
Sermon Released Monday Morning
Questions for the Week
When have you heard the phrase “God helps those who help themselves?” Why is it normally said?
Read Genesis 12:10-20. Describe what happens when Abram takes things into his own hands and tries to help himself in a time of distress. How do we often try to do the same thing?
Read Philippians 4:10-15. What does this say about contentment?
Describe a time when you have been strengthened by Jesus’ presence in your life.
Remember the Daily Grace
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Important Posts from the Week.
The Video Played During Service
PRAISE SONG FOR THE PANDEMIC - written and read by Christine Valters Paintner, from Abbey of the Arts and music by Giants & Pilgrims. Explore more at http://...
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a