[Sunday] Hate Family? - Say What - Jesus Said What?
Luke 14:26
Dive deep into a seemingly harsh verse from Luke 14. Is Jesus really asking us to hate our families? Explore the surprising truth behind this verse, and discover the freedom of loving God and neighbor without excuses.
QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK: Say What?: Jesus Said What? - Hate Family
At first glance, when Jesus says to “hate” our family, what does it sound like He’s telling us to do?
Read Luke 14:12-33. What does Jesus really mean by this?
What are some excuses you make to not follow God completely or not love your neighbor completely?
In the sermon and in Luke 14, Jesus encourages us to count the cost. Can you think of Jesus and count the ways that He has loved you? How does that make loving God and neighbor easier?
It's right there, all around us is the party of God's abundance. The question for us all is: Will we enjoy ourselves in God’s generosity, or will we rely on our own strength?