[Sunday] Buy Friends? - Say What - Jesus Said What?
Luke 16:9
What an odd parable, Jesus. I read it many times and still don’t think I understand. Maybe if we are a bit shrewd in how we read, we can see what to hold on to and what to let go in Your kingdom life?
QUESTIONS FOR THE WEEK: Say What? Jesus said What? - Buy Friends?
Share a time when you or a friend haven’t been the best steward, or the most faithful in a job?
Read Luke 16:1-12. This is a confusing parable. How does it help to see God as the rich man and the Pharisees/Israel as the manager? What is the main point of the parable that Jesus wants the Pharisees and us to see?
The Pharisees were self-righteous and exclusive. Can you think of times in your own life, or in the church community, where people might act similarly? How can we be more open and welcoming to others, even those we might not consider "righteous?"
There is eternal hope through grace. How does this concept change the way you approach challenges or failures in your life? Can you share a story of a time when focusing on God's grace helped you
Though shadowed by betrayal, a moment of lavish love reveals a redemption that waits for us in Galilee. Matthew Chapter 26a