[Sunday] Easter - All Nations - 21'
Christ is Risen! Peter falls asleep and sees a vision where Jesus declares all food clean. Yea! Pulled Pork for everyone. Living in the resurrection Glory! But as Peter answers the door he realizes that it was never about the food.
Questions for the Week
How does the resurrection of Jesus turn the world upside down?
Read Acts 10:1-34. What does Peter realize from his dream with regards to Cornielius, this outsider?
According to Peter, why does God not show favoritism or partiality?
How does the resurrection of Jesus change how you view yourself and your neighbors?
Service [above] Sermon releases at 10pm [under]
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Good Friday - All Nations - 21'
We Walk through the Passion of Jesus the Christ as he is raised in his glory
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Maundy Thursday - All Nations - 21'
John 12:46 I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] Palm Bracket - All Nations
He raised Lazarus from the dead? I think this is the Messiah. Do you think he is the one who will finally kick out the Romans from the holy city? If he can raise the dead, then he can do anything I think he should do. I am expecting a miracle.
Questions for the Week
How would you describe victory in life?
Read John 12: 9-19. What victory were the chief priests looking for? What victory were the crowds who cried out “Hosanna” looking for?
What misguided things have you asked Jesus to bless in your life, that haven’t come true?
Thinking of the cross, how and to whom does Jesus ultimately bring victory?
Service [above] Sermon releases at 10pm [under]
---- THIS WEEK AT GRACE - Today March 28 2021 - Palm Sunday
Worship Service 8:30 AM
Second Worship Service and
video service www.gracelutheranpsl.com 10:15 AM
Zoom into Fellowship 12:00 - noon
Korean Church Worship 1:00 PM
AA 7:30 PM
Rest of the week March 29 - April 3, 2021
Olivet School Tuesday, 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Individual - Small Group Communion Wednesday, 11AM - Noon
Maundy Thursday Service w/ Communion Thursday, 7:00 PM
Good Friday Service Friday, Noon & 7:00 PM
Korean Church Prayer Gathering Saturday, 6 AM
For complete calendar information, go to www.gracelutheranpsl.com/calendar
HOLY WEEK! (This week) MARCH 28 THROUGH APRIL 4, 2021
4/1 - Maundy Thursday: 7:00 PM with Communion
4/2 - Good Friday: 12:00 (Noon) and 7:00 PM
4/4 -Easter Sunday: 6:45 AM (outside), 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM (10:15 AM will be livestreamed)
Easter Breakfast Fellowship: starts after Sunrise Service (7:45 ish) and will end at 10:15 AM
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK: None listed for this week
ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK: Jim & Linda Doran - 3/30 (53 yrs) and
Dave & Judy Smith - 4/2 (55 yrs)
THE FLOWERS ADORNING THE ALTAR are given to the glory of God by members of Grace Lutheran Church and the Korean congregation.
CARENET “ WALK FOR LIFE” Date: April 17, 2021 at 9:00 am, Place: Mid Florida Civic Center.
Those desiring to walk and get pledges and win prizes -pick up your “Pledge sheet” near the front door in Fellowship Hall. Just sign up with name, email, phone number and amount of pledge, plus how you plan to pay (check, cash, bill me later).
For more information or to contribute cash contact Phil or Judy Fredrich 772-237-2626.
LWML LADIES Will be meeting next week, Monday, April 5th at 1PM. Bring a friend and share the love, fun and fellowship! Please pick up a copy of the Bible Study for the meeting it is on the table by the exit door.
PLEASE CALL PEOPLE: The COVID quarantines began a year ago and many of our members have health conditions which have kept them isolated at home. So that we all don’t descend into madness, let’s call and talk to each other regularly as well as sending cards or notes through the mail. Phone and address directories are available for your convenience on the counter by the office door.
COMMUNION ON WEDNESDAY: If you, or someone you know, would like to celebrate Holy Communion but prefer a small group or unable to attend Sunday service, Pastor Cris has set aside Wednesday’s to celebrate the meal in small/family groups. Please come by on Wednesday at: 11:00, 11:20, 11:40 or 12:00 (noon) and partake of this wonderful meal.
BIBLE STUDY FOR ALL! Pastor Cris is conducting a Bible Study on Thursday’s at 11 AM and you are welcome to attend in person! Seating is with social distancing along with wearing a mask. The Bible Study is also “live streamed” through ZOOM as well for you to participate from home. (www.GracelutheranPSL.com) Also, recorded for your future viewing if you would like.
SEE YOUR GRACE FAMILY ON ZOOM: Coli, along with Pastor, will be hosting Zoom to Coffee at NOON, TODAY, for those who would like to join in fellowship “virtually” to see and chat with Grace members and friends. All are welcome! www.GraceLutheranPSL.com
GIVING: We are here to provide “Grace and Peace in this Chaotic and Lonely Time” to those in our church and community. Thank you for your past and continual prayers and financial support to Grace and your community. We have added Paypal for online donations. If you would like to give through Paypal, please go to: www.GraceLutheranPSL.com and click the “GIVE” button on the upper right side of the page.
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] What Who - All Nations
The man asked Jesus the same question many have asked throughout time. What do I have to do to get to heaven? Jesus tells us a story about a man who was beaten and robbed and the outcast who cared for him. Turning our questions of what to who?
Questions for the Week
In culture today, what lesson does the parable of the Good Samaritan teach us?
Read Luke 10:25-37. What question is asked of Jesus that he uses the parable to answer?
How does Jesus move the story from “what” you must do in your faith, to “who” you are serving?
Who is your neighbor that God calls you to show mercy to this week?
Service [above] Sermon releases at 10pm [under]
---- THIS WEEK AT GRACE - Today March 21 2021
Worship Service 8:30 AM
Second Worship Service and
video service www.gracelutheranpsl.com 10:15 AM
Zoom into Fellowship 12:00 PM
Korean Church Worship 1:00 PM
AA 7:30 PM
Rest of the week March 22 - 27, 2021
Olivet School 8:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Individual - Small Group Communion Wednesday, 11AM - Noon
Fellowship Brown Bag Meal Wednesday, 5:30- 6:30 PM
Lenten Service (In-person & Livestreamed) Wednesday, 6:30 PM
Bible Study (also on Zoom) Thursday, 11 AM
Foster Grandparents Friday. 9 AM - 1 PM
Korean Church Prayer Gathering Saturday, 6 AM
For complete calendar information, go to www.gracelutheranpsl.com/calendar
3/28 - Palm Sunday: 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM
4/1 - Maundy Thursday: 7:00 PM with Communion
4/2 - Good Friday: 12:00 (Noon) and 7:00 PM
4/4 -Easter Sunday: 6:45 AM (outside), 8:30 AM & 10:15 AM (10:15 AM will be livestreamed)
Easter Breakfast Fellowship: starts after Sunrise Service (7:45 ish) and will end at 10:15 AM (ongoing)
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK: Greg Schultz - 3/25, David Vik & Tim Glish - 3/27
THE FLOWERS ADORNING THE ALTAR are given to the glory of God by Sherry Self in memory of Ray.
FELLOWSHIP BROWN BAG MEAL: Our last one this year! Come and join your Grace friends this Wednesday between 5:30 and 6:30 PM for some socially distanced fellowship time. Bring a meal for yourself and join us. You don’t need to be right on time at 5:30, however the service will start at 6:30. This past Wednesday we had 7 for the meal and 20 attended the service. Come and share in the Fellowship!
FAMILY MEALS! Collection is underway! For a list of needs, please check the bulletin board in the narthex, or place a check in the offering plate marked “Family Meals''. Family Meals, provides the food, families provide the memories. We need your help to provide Easter meal bags to these Saint Lucie families. Family Meals has set a goal of helping 2300 Treasure Coast families this Easter! This is the last week for the EASTER collection.
CARENET “ WALK FOR LIFE” Date: April 17, 2021 at 9:00 am, Place: Mid Florida Civic Center.
Those desiring to walk and get pledges and win prizes -pick up your “Pledge sheet” near the front door in Fellowship Hall. Just sign up with name, email, phone number and amount of pledge, plus how you plan to pay (check, cash, bill me later).
For more information or to contribute cash contact Phil or Judy Fredrich 772-237-2626.
PLEASE CALL PEOPLE: The COVID quarantines began in March 2020 and many of our members have health conditions which have kept them isolated at home for 9 months. So that we all don’t descend into madness, let’s call and talk to each other regularly as well as sending cards or notes through the mail. Phone and address directories are available for your convenience on the counter by the office door.
COMMUNION ON WEDNESDAY: If you, or someone you know, would like to celebrate Holy Communion but prefer a small group or unable to attend Sunday service, Pastor Cris has set aside Wednesday’s to celebrate the meal in small/family groups. Please come by on Wednesday at: 11:00, 11:20, 11:40 or 12:00 (noon) and partake of this wonderful meal.
BIBLE STUDY FOR ALL! Pastor Cris is conducting a Bible Study on Thursday’s at 11 AM and you are welcome to attend in person! Seating is with social distancing along with wearing a mask. The Bible Study is also “live streamed” through ZOOM as well for you to participate from home. (www.GracelutheranPSL.com) Also, recorded for your future viewing if you would like.
SEE YOUR GRACE FAMILY ON ZOOM: Coli, along with Pastor, will be hosting Zoom to Coffee at NOON, TODAY, for those who would like to join in fellowship “virtually” to see and chat with Grace members and friends. All are welcome! www.GraceLutheranPSL.com
GIVING: We are here to provide “Grace and Peace in this Chaotic and Lonely Time” to those in our church and community. Thank you for your past and continual prayers and financial support to Grace and your community. We have added Paypal for online donations. If you would like to give through Paypal, please go to: www.GraceLutheranPSL.com and click the “GIVE” button on the upper right side of the page.
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] Who Carried - All Nations
Jesus says all through the gospel to take up your cross. He was going to die but rise again and we should take up his cross. But after he was arrested, all his friends and followers were nowhere to be found to take up his cross. So then who carried it?
Questions for the Week
Have you ever given up something in lent to help follow Jesus? What did that experience teach you?
Read Matthew 16:21-28. What does it look like to pick up your cross, denying yourself and following Jesus? How successful were the disciples at doing this?
Read Matthew 27:31-33. This is the first and only time Simon the Cyrene is mentioned in Matthew. Where do you think the disciples were at this time?
If you would have been a disciple how would you have felt to see someone else carrying the cross for Jesus?
How does Jesus ultimately carry the cross for the disciples and for you? What does this mean for your faith?
Service [above] Sermon releases at 10pm [under]
---- THIS WEEK AT GRACE - Today March 14. 2021
Worship Service 8:30 AM
Second Worship Service and
video service www.gracelutheranpsl.com 10:15 AM
Zoom into Fellowship Resume Next Week
Korean Church Worship 1:00 PM
AA 7:30 PM
Rest of the week March 15 - 20, 2021
Olivet School Spring Break - not meeting
Saint Patrick’s Day Wednesday
Individual - Small Group Communion Wednesday, 11AM - Noon
Fellowship Brown Bag Meal Wednesday, 5:30- 6:30 PM
Lenten Service (In-person & Livestreamed) Wednesday, 6:30 PM
Bible Study Thursday, 11 AM
also on Zoom
Korean Church Prayer Gathering Saturday, 6 AM
For complete calendar information, go to www.gracelutheranpsl.com/calendar
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK: Barbara Scheer and Sabian Sukhai - 3/18
THE FLOWERS ADORNING THE ALTAR are given to the Glory of God by Kevin and Gary Garbers in memory of their mother Arlene.
FELLOWSHIP BROWN BAG MEAL: Come and join your Grace friends this Wednesday between 5:30 and 6:30 PM for some socially distanced fellowship time. Bring a meal for yourself and join us. You don’t need to be right on time at 5:30, however the service will start at 6:30. This past Wednesday we had 11 for the meal and 24 attend the service. Come and share in the Fellowship!
FAMILY MEALS! Collection is underway! For a list of needs, please check the bulletin board in the narthex, or place a check in the offering plate marked “Family Meals''. Family Meals, provides the food, families provide the memories. We need your help to provide Easter meal bags to these Saint Lucie families. Family Meals has set a goal of helping 2300 Treasure Coast families this Easter!
PLEASE CALL PEOPLE: The COVID quarantines began in March 2020 and many of our members have health conditions which have kept them isolated at home for 9 months. So that we all don’t descend into madness, let’s call and talk to each other regularly as well as sending cards or notes through the mail. Phone and address directories are available for your convenience on the counter by the office door.
COMMUNION ON WEDNESDAY: If you, or someone you know, would like to celebrate Holy Communion but prefer a small group or unable to attend Sunday service, Pastor Cris has set aside Wednesday’s to celebrate the meal in small/family groups. Please come by on Wednesday at: 11:00, 11:20, 11:40 or 12:00 (noon) and partake of this wonderful meal.
BIBLE STUDY FOR ALL! Pastor Cris is conducting a Bible Study on Thursday’s at 11 AM and you are welcome to attend in person! Seating is with social distancing along with wearing a mask. The Bible Study is also “live streamed” through ZOOM as well for you to participate from home. (www.GracelutheranPSL.com) Also, recorded for your future viewing if you would like.
SEE YOUR GRACE FAMILY ON ZOOM: Coli, along with Pastor, will be hosting Zoom to Coffee at NOON, TODAY, for those who would like to join in fellowship “virtually” to see and chat with Grace members and friends. All are welcome! www.GraceLutheranPSL.com
GIVING: We are here to provide “Grace and Peace in this Chaotic and Lonely Time” to those in our church and community. Thank you for your past and continual prayers and financial support to Grace and your community. We have added Paypal for online donations. If you would like to give through Paypal, please go to: www.GraceLutheranPSL.com and click the “GIVE” button on the upper right side of the page.
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] Painted Apart - All Nations
Look at the stark separation, a clear delineation showing clear cultural lines of separation between people. But Jesus crosses this separation to bring healing, not just to the servant, but to all nations.
Questions for the Week
Describe a time when you felt far apart from Jesus.
Read Matthew 8:5-13. What type of cultural distance would there have been between this Roman soldier and the followers of Jesus?
How does Jesus bridge the gap between himself and the centurion (soldier)?
What are some ways to show someone that Jesus is with them in tough times?
Service [above] Sermon releases at 10pm [under]
---- THIS WEEK AT GRACE - Today March 7. 2021
Worship Service 8:30 AM
Second Worship Service and
video service www.gracelutheranpsl.com 10:15 AM
Zoom into Fellowship 12:00 PM - Noon
Korean Church Worship 1:00 PM
AA 7:30 PM
Rest of the week March 7 - 13, 2021
Adopt-A-Mile Tuesday, 8:30 AM
Olivet School Tuesday, 8 AM - 1 PM
Individual - Small Group Communion Wednesday, 11AM - Noon
Fellowship Brown Bag Meal Wednesday, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Lenten Service (In-person & Livestreamed) Wednesday, 6:30 PM
Bible Study Thursday, 11 AM
also on Zoom
Foster Grandparents Friday, 8:30 AM- 12:30 PM
Korean Church Prayer Gathering Saturday, 6 AM
Daylight Savings Time weekend - set ahead before going to bed Saturday night!
For complete calendar information, go to www.gracelutheranpsl.com/calendar
Mr. Jan Lendak - 3/08, Pam White - 3/13
THE FLOWERS ADORNING THE ALTAR are given to the Glory of God by Pastor Kim in celebration of the Kims’ 26th wedding anniversary.
FELLOWSHIP BROWN BAG MEAL: Come and join your Grace friends this Wednesday between 5:30 and 6:30 PM for some socially distanced fellowship time. Bring a meal for yourself and join us. You don’t need to be right on time at 5:30, however the service will start at 6:30. This past Wednesday we had 11 for the meal and 24 attend the service. Come and share in the Fellowship!
FAMILY MEALS! Collection is underway! For a list of needs, please check the bulletin board in the narthex, or place a check in the offering plate marked “Family Meals''. Family Meals, provides the food, families provide the memories. We need your help to provide Easter meal bags to these Saint Lucie families. Family Meals has set a goal of helping 2300 Treasure Coast families this Easter!
ADOPT-A-MILE will be THIS Tuesday, March 9th at 8:30 AM! The meeting place will be on the corner of Torino and Conus. For more information contact: Judy Fredrich (561) 315-9555 or retslvnlg@outlook.com
PLEASE CALL PEOPLE: The COVID quarantines began in March 2020 and many of our members have health conditions which have kept them isolated at home for 9 months. So that we all don’t descend into madness, let’s call and talk to each other regularly as well as sending cards or notes through the mail. Phone and address directories are available for your convenience on the counter by the office door.
COMMUNION ON WEDNESDAY: If you, or someone you know, would like to celebrate Holy Communion but prefer a small group or unable to attend Sunday service, Pastor Cris has set aside Wednesday’s to celebrate the meal in small/family groups. Please come by on Wednesday at: 11:00, 11:20, 11:40 or 12:00 (noon) and partake of this wonderful meal.
BIBLE STUDY FOR ALL! Pastor Cris is conducting a Bible Study on Thursday’s at 11 AM and you are welcome to attend in person! Seating is with social distancing along with wearing a mask. The Bible Study is also “live streamed” through ZOOM as well for you to participate from home. (www.GracelutheranPSL.com) Also, recorded for your future viewing if you would like.
SE YOUR GRACE FAMILY ON ZOOM: Coli, along with Pastor, will be hosting Zoom to Coffee at NOON, TODAY, for those who would like to join in fellowship “virtually” to see and chat with Grace members and friends. All are welcome! www.GraceLutheranPSL.com
GIVING: We are here to provide “Grace and Peace in this Chaotic and Lonely Time” to those in our church and community. Thank you for your past and continual prayers and financial support to Grace and your community. We have added Paypal for online donations. If you would like to give through Paypal, please go to: www.GraceLutheranPSL.com and click the “GIVE” button on the upper right side of the page.
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] Crumbs and Crosses - All Nations
She is unworthy but is wanting something from Jesus. Will she fight for what she wants, or will she show us that the kingdom of God is made up of mustard seeds, crumbs, and crosses?
Questions for the Week
Describe a time when a stereotype might cause you to think poorly of someone.
Read Mark 7:24-30. Knowing that the Syrophoenician woman is from the same place as Jezebel (an evil person from the Old Testament, 1 Kings 16), what might the disciples think about this outsider to the faith?
How does she respond to Jesus? How can you see her humility?
What are some opportunities for you to be the hands and feet of Jesus that involve humble service towards your neighbor?
Service [above] Sermon releases at 10pm [under]
---- THIS WEEK AT GRACE - Today February 28. 2021
Worship Service 8:30 AM
Second Worship Service and
video service www.gracelutheranpsl.com 10:15 AM
Zoom into Fellowship 12:00 PM - Noon
Korean Church Worship 1:00 PM
AA 7:30 PM
Rest of the week March 1 - 6, 2021
LWML Meeting Monday, 1 PM
Olivet School Tuesday, 8 AM - 1 PM
Individual - Small Group Communion Wednesday, 11AM - Noon
Fellowship Brown Bag Meal Wednesday, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Lenten Service (In-person & Livestreamed) Wednesday, 6:30 PM
Bible Study Thursday, 11 AM
also on Zoom
Korean Church Prayer Gathering Saturday, 6 AM
Marge Neuberger Memorial Saturday, 10 AM
For complete calendar information, go to www.gracelutheranpsl.com/calendar
Ed Bock - 2/29, Sandy Zanzig - 3/1, Melinda Linderman - 3/3,
Gene Liagre - 3/6
THE FLOWERS ADORNING THE ALTAR are given to the Glory of God by Melville & Lucille Mills.
LWML LADIES Will be meeting tomorrow, Monday, March 1st at 1PM. Bring a friend and share the love, fun and fellowship! Please pick up a copy of the Bible Study for the meeting it is on the table by the exit door.
FELLOWSHIP BROWN BAG MEAL: Come and join your Grace friends this Wednesday between 5:30 and 6:30 PM for some socially distanced fellowship time. Bring a meal for yourself and join us. You don’t need to be right on time at 5:30, however the service will start at 6:30. This past Wednesday we had 12 for the meal and 26 attend the service. Come and share in the Fellowship!
CALLED HOME: This past Monday, 2/22, we were informed that Tony Young had passed away and our former member, retired pastor Ron Irsch also passed away. Please keep both their families in your thoughts and prayers. Bettie Irsch’s current address is: 1944 Outer Circle Drive; Oviedo, FL, 32765.
MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR MARGE NEUBERGER This next Saturday, March 6, 2021, Grace will hold a Memorial Service for our sister in the faith, Marge Neuberger, who was called home to rest on December 20, 2020. Please come and help support her husband Norm and the family. The service starts at 10 AM.
FAMILY MEALS! Collection is underway! For a list of needs, please check the bulletin board in the narthex. Families helping families understand the importance of a family meal shared around the family table. Family Meals, provides the food, families provide the memories. We need your help to provide Easter meal bags to these Saint Lucie families. Family Meals set a goal of helping 2300 Treasure Coast families this Easter!
PLEASE CALL PEOPLE: The COVID quarantines began in March 2020 and many of our members have health conditions which have kept them isolated at home for 9 months. So that we all don’t descend into madness, let’s call and talk to each other regularly as well as sending cards or notes through the mail. Phone and address directories are available for your convenience on the counter by the office door.
WINN DIXIE SUPPORT For the month of February Winn Dixie on Bayshore and PSL Boulevard will donate $1 for each reusable bag you purchase for $2.49 to Grace Lutheran for the Alzheimer's Community Care center. Grace received $40 last year from this effort.
COMMUNION ON WEDNESDAY: If you, or someone you know, would like to celebrate Holy Communion but prefer a small group or unable to attend Sunday service, Pastor Cris has set aside Wednesday’s to celebrate the meal in small/family groups. Please come by on Wednesday at: 11:00, 11:20, 11:40 or 12:00 (noon) and partake of this wonderful meal.
BIBLE STUDY FOR ALL! Pastor Cris is conducting a Bible Study on Thursday’s at 11 AM and you are welcome to attend in person! Seating is with social distancing along with wearing a mask. The Bible Study is also “live streamed” through ZOOM as well for you to participate from home. (www.GracelutheranPSL.com) Also, recorded for your future viewing if you would like.
SEE YOUR GRACE FAMILY ON ZOOM: Coli, along with Pastor, will be hosting Zoom to Coffee at NOON, TODAY, for those who would like to join in fellowship “virtually” to see and chat with Grace members and friends. All are welcome! www.GraceLutheranPSL.com
GIVING: We are here to provide “Grace and Peace in this Chaotic and Lonely Time” to those in our church and community. Thank you for your past and continual prayers and financial support to Grace and your community. We have added Paypal for online donations. If you would like to give through Paypal, please go to: www.GraceLutheranPSL.com and click the “GIVE” button on the upper right side of the page.
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Sunday] Blessed Curse - All Nations
They came to the new world to live the dream, to get away from all that would hold them down, away from all the sinful people who would drag us to hell. But what happens when a cross shows up in the middle of your dream?
Questions for the Week
Describe a time when you saw God’s love for someone different than you.
Read Galatians 3:7-14. What do you think the works of the law are today that we hold onto, looking for our own righteousness?
According to Galatians 3, what does Jesus do for us in those times when we seem to be self-righteous?
How can experiencing God’s grace in a time when you messed up, help you love others?
Service [above] Sermon releases at 10pm [under]
---- THIS WEEK AT GRACE - Today February 21. 2021
Worship Service 8:30 AM
Second Worship Service and
video service www.gracelutheranpsl.com 10:15 AM
Zoom into Fellowship 12:00 PM - Noon
Korean Church Worship 1:00 PM
AA 7:30 PM
Rest of the week February 22 - 27, 2021
Olivet School Tuesday, 8 AM - 1 PM
Individual - Small Group Communion Wednesday, 11AM - Noon
Fellowship Brown Bag Meal Wednesday, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Lenton Service (In-person & Livestreamed) Wednesday, 6:30 PM
Bible Study Thursday, 11 AM
also on Zoom
Korean Church Prayer Gathering Saturday, 6 AM
For complete calendar information, go to www.gracelutheranpsl.com/calendar
Claren Kerstner - 2/25
THE FLOWERS ADORNING THE ALTAR are given in memory of Frances & Bill Horton by Jay Horton.
ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION THIS WEEK: Robert & Marlys Pellin 2/22/2002 (19 yrs),
FELLOWSHIP BROWN BAG MEAL: Come and join your Grace friends this Wednesday between 5:30 and 6:30 PM for some socially distanced fellowship time. Bring a meal for yourself and join us. You don’t need to be right on time at 5:30; however, the service will start at 6:30.
PLEASE CALL PEOPLE: The COVID quarantines began in March 2020 and many of our members have health conditions which have kept them isolated at home for 9 months. So that we all don’t descend into madness, let’s call and talk to each other regularly as well as sending cards or notes through the mail. Phone and address directories are available for your convenience on the counter by the office door.
WINN DIXIE SUPPORT For the month of February Winn Dixie on Bayshore and PSL Boulevard will donate $1 for each reusable bag you purchase for $2.49 to Grace Lutheran for the Alzheimer's Community Care center. Grace received $40 last year from this effort.
COMMUNION ON WEDNESDAY: If you, or someone you know, would like to celebrate Holy Communion but prefer a small group or unable to attend Sunday service, Pastor Cris has set aside Wednesday’s to celebrate the meal in small/family groups. Please come by on Wednesday at: 11:00, 11:20, 11:40 or 12:00 (noon) and partake of this wonderful meal.
BIBLE STUDY FOR ALL! Pastor Cris is conducting a Bible Study on Thursday’s at 11 AM and you are welcome to attend in person! Seating is with social distancing along with wearing a mask. The Bible Study is also “live streamed” through ZOOM as well for you to participate from home. (www.GracelutheranPSL.com) Also, recorded for your future viewing if you would like.
SEE YOUR GRACE FAMILY ON ZOOM: Coli, along with Pastor, will be hosting Zoom to Coffee at NOON, TODAY, for those who would like to join in fellowship “virtually” to see and chat with Grace members and friends. All are welcome! www.GraceLutheranPSL.com
GIVING: We are here to provide “Grace and Peace in this Chaotic and Lonely Time” to those in our church and community. Thank you for your past and continual prayers and financial support to Grace and your community. We have added Paypal for online donations. If you would like to give through Paypal, please go to: www.GraceLutheranPSL.com and click the “GIVE” button on the upper right side of the page.
What Had happened at Grace this week.
[Ash Wednesday] 2021 Live Stream
Ash Wednesday we ponder the question of how we got here. What have we done to outselves. This day invites us to sit in dust and ashes and seek repentance.
Jesus does not become unclean by touching the afflicted; instead, HE imparts healing and life. It shows the kingdom is for everyone. Matthew Chapters 8-9