Christ the King Sunday
Just as Christ is “the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end,” at the close of every liturgical year, we look forward with renewed hope to Christ’s coming again in glory to reign as Lord forever. In the same way we look forward to our own resurrection and the time of a new earth — an earth that is no longer broken by sin and groaning. Christ will come again in glory just as surely as He came the first time — when He was born. So we have these three weeks of “transition” at the end of the “long green season” into the Advent Season: the new beginning of the liturgical year.
Going to Lefty's Wings & Grill For January
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What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus does not become unclean by touching the afflicted; instead, HE imparts healing and life. It shows the kingdom is for everyone. Matthew Chapters 8-9
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
Our children explored the fascinating story of the walls of Jericho coming down.
From the mount, Jesus reveals the Kingdom Way. "Blessed are the poor in spirit," He proclaims, urging us to "turn the other cheek," and to pray, "Father, Your will be done." For His kingdom is at hand, and through Him, we find the Golden Way.
For Jesus is not some high priest who has no sympathy for our weaknesses and flaws. He has already been tested in every way that we are tested; but He emerged victorious, without failing God.
God's Promise - God's Plan
God has always been like a father for his people. And just like a good father, He gives His children what they want and need. So He tells us to ask Him for everything we need. He encourages us to ask Him for what we need and want, even when we have not been our best selves or when we have been wasteful of what He has given us. He is the Good Father and wants to give us good gifts.
What is a favorite gift that you have given? What made that a favorite gift to give?
Read Matthew 7: 7-12. What does Jesus invite you to do? Why does he do this?
Often times we can feel unworthy to ask God for requests because of our sin and evil. How do these verses give you confidence to approach God and ask?
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
Going to Lefty's Wings & Grill For January
Athletes drank poison, dodged traffic, stole peaches and even hitchhiked during the 24.85-mile race in St. Louis
Even though Martin Stephan had many troubles in this life, and more than likely committed grievous sin, which caused his expulsion from the colony and the church, God nevertheless used him to achieve His purpose here on earth.
Watch the Latest Photo Video!
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus does not become unclean by touching the afflicted; instead, HE imparts healing and life. It shows the kingdom is for everyone. Matthew Chapters 8-9
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
Our children explored the fascinating story of the walls of Jericho coming down.
From the mount, Jesus reveals the Kingdom Way. "Blessed are the poor in spirit," He proclaims, urging us to "turn the other cheek," and to pray, "Father, Your will be done." For His kingdom is at hand, and through Him, we find the Golden Way.
For Jesus is not some high priest who has no sympathy for our weaknesses and flaws. He has already been tested in every way that we are tested; but He emerged victorious, without failing God.
God's Provision - God's Plan
Today we look at His “provision.” There is an absolute, unmistakable connection between love and provision – those of you who are parents know exactly what I mean. The two are inseparably linked. If you truly love someone, you find great joy, satisfaction, and delight in providing for them.
What inspires you to be generous in your life?
Read Genesis 14:17-24. This occurs after Abram had a great victory. Who does Melchizedek say gave Abram the victory? Who delivered Abram’s enemies into his hand?
How does Abram respond to what Melchizedek said? How does this show that Abram trusts God?
This is the first example of a tithe, someone giving God 10% of what he’s given, in the Bible. God had just delivered Abram. How has God delivered you?
Why should we tithe, giving God “a tenth of everything?” What does tithing show/remind us about God?
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
Going to Lefty's Wings & Grill For January
Athletes drank poison, dodged traffic, stole peaches and even hitchhiked during the 24.85-mile race in St. Louis
Even though Martin Stephan had many troubles in this life, and more than likely committed grievous sin, which caused his expulsion from the colony and the church, God nevertheless used him to achieve His purpose here on earth.
Watch the Latest Photo Video!
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus does not become unclean by touching the afflicted; instead, HE imparts healing and life. It shows the kingdom is for everyone. Matthew Chapters 8-9
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
Our children explored the fascinating story of the walls of Jericho coming down.
From the mount, Jesus reveals the Kingdom Way. "Blessed are the poor in spirit," He proclaims, urging us to "turn the other cheek," and to pray, "Father, Your will be done." For His kingdom is at hand, and through Him, we find the Golden Way.
For Jesus is not some high priest who has no sympathy for our weaknesses and flaws. He has already been tested in every way that we are tested; but He emerged victorious, without failing God.
God's Passion - God's Plan
God says that the pure of heart will see Him as He is (Matthew 5:8) and that the pure of heart will know Him and understand Him. God says that the pure of heart will diligently seek Him, and as they seek Him, they will find Him (Proverbs 8:17). So it seems that stewardship is, first and foremost, not about money, time, or talent, but rather stewardship is a matter of where our hearts are before Almighty God, our Father.
Read Malachi 4. What will happen when the Day of the Lord comes?
Read 1 Samuel 16:7. When God is choosing the next king, what characteristic matters most? What do you think it means to have God look at your heart?
We see that God desires our true hearts. Read Psalm 51. This is how King David responds after he realizes his heart is full of sin. What is the only way for him to have a pure heart?
How does a life of confession and remembering God’s heart and love for you help you live out God’s plan?
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
Going to Lefty's Wings & Grill For January
Athletes drank poison, dodged traffic, stole peaches and even hitchhiked during the 24.85-mile race in St. Louis
Even though Martin Stephan had many troubles in this life, and more than likely committed grievous sin, which caused his expulsion from the colony and the church, God nevertheless used him to achieve His purpose here on earth.
Watch the Latest Photo Video!
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Jesus does not become unclean by touching the afflicted; instead, HE imparts healing and life. It shows the kingdom is for everyone. Matthew Chapters 8-9
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
Our children explored the fascinating story of the walls of Jericho coming down.
From the mount, Jesus reveals the Kingdom Way. "Blessed are the poor in spirit," He proclaims, urging us to "turn the other cheek," and to pray, "Father, Your will be done." For His kingdom is at hand, and through Him, we find the Golden Way.
For Jesus is not some high priest who has no sympathy for our weaknesses and flaws. He has already been tested in every way that we are tested; but He emerged victorious, without failing God.
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!