[Sunday] Mark 16 | Amazed Easter - Revealing True Power
There are clues and breadcrumbs which God has left us so we can see the resurrection today. We see it when our faces light up with a glory of amazement that can only be told about over and over.
Questions for the week
Describe a time when you were amazed. What caused you to be amazed?
Read Mark 16:1-8. Why were the women at the tomb amazed?
Think back over the Gospel of Mark. What are some other stories where people are amazed at Jesus?
When have you been amazed by Jesus in your life?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
Good Friday | The Passion of True Power
The Passion of Jesus the Christ in Mark
Service Noon
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
Maundy Thursday | Unraveled - Revealing True Power
Sometimes life just seems to unravel before our eyes. Maybe we need a savior who will unravel the creation to get us back.
Service 6PM
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 15 | Coronation - Revealing True Power
Jesus rides into Jerusalem looking strangely like a ride of power from years ago. As Jesus continues to walk to the cross, he takes a path that resembles so many parades of power and prestige from those seeking crowns of glory. Come see the coronation of true power.
Questions for the week
Name some of the most powerful people in the world. Why would you consider them powerful?
Read Mark 15:16-39. What do those who are powerful in the world do to Jesus?
How do the powers of the world today act in similar ways?
How does Jesus show true power in Mark 15?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 14 | Pride & Power - Revealing True Power
Our pride and search for power can blind us to the realities of our life. It can cause us to call evil good and good evil. It can even cause us to kill and destroy the things we love. This week we see how our pride is destroying Jesus.
Questions for the week
Describe a time when your pride caused you to miss out.
Read Mark 14:43-72. Describe ways where you see pride and lusts for power push people further away from Jesus.
Read Mark 14:12-25. Even though Jesus knows Judas will betray him and Peter will deny him, who does he invite to his table? What does he do for them?
What does Jesus do for you and me, even though our pride and lust for power get in the way?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 13 | Stacking Bricks - Revealing True Power
Look at these huge buildings. Look at how high these bricks are stacked. The disciples walked into Jerusalem amazed at the splendor and power of these buildings. But like all temporal powers, they will be thrown down. In those days, if our trust is in how high the bricks are stacked, then our trust will be thrown down as well.
Questions for the week
Describe a time when you have clung to something that was falling apart. Where was your hope in that situation?
Read Mark 13. How does Jesus bring peace in the midst of the horrors he describes in this chapter?
Describe a time when Jesus brought you rest in a difficult or scary situation.
How might you be the hands and feet of Jesus to someone else in one of these scary times?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 12 | Widows' Homes - Revealing True Power
They make a show of it: their long prayers, their fancy clothes, and their questions that are only meant to trap. It seems like all the show is just for them. But look past the show and see the almost invisible giving everything she has. Perhaps then we will see the kingdom of God.
Questions for the week
What is your opinion of those who absolutely need to be the center of attention?
Read Mark 12:1-12 & Isaiah 5:1-7. Jesus is obviously quoting this poem from Isaiah. What is Jesus saying about the leaders of Israel, and what is Jesus saying about himself?
Read Mark 12:38-44. What are ways that you have seen people in power steal from those like the widows and the downtrodden?
What are ways that may seem small that you can help and encourage your neighbors?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 11 | Throw This Mountain - Revealing True Power
If only you have enough faith, you can throw this mountain into the sea. But it would also take an immense amount of faith to throw all that we hold dear away and say God is all I need.
Questions for the week
Describe a time when you got so busy that you missed out on what God was doing.
Read 1 Kings 8:22-56. This is Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the temple. What does this prayer show us about the purpose of the temple? What does this prayer show us about God?
Read Mark 11: 12-26. What has the temple turned into? Is it reflecting the prayer Solomon prayed? How does Jesus respond to what He sees in the temple?
As you are baptized and have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you, how might you reflect the presence of God to those around you this week?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 10 | Amazing Ask - Revealing True Power
The new student threw up his hand yet again, into the view of the increasingly frustrated teacher. The teacher marveled that the questions were not questions at all but merely statements to show off the intelligence of the new student.
Questions for the week
Describe a time when you saw someone ask questions just to prove they were right.
Read Mark 10:17-30. What is the question the rich man asks Jesus? Why do you think he asks this question?
How does Jesus respond to this man?
What then do the disciples ask Jesus? How is this different from the question the rich man asks?
How does Jesus respond to the disciples? How is it astonishing for you, to know that Jesus has done the impossible and saved you?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 9 | Greatness - Revealing True Power
Welcome a little child, and you welcome Jesus himself. Easy! But what if it does not mean what we think it does? And what does this have to do with the disciples arguing about being great?
Questions for the week
What qualities and actions make someone great?
Read Mark 9:33-37, 42. How does Jesus define greatness?
In our pursuit of greatness, what does that do to our relationships with God and with one another?
In Jesus’ actions, how does he free us from the pursuit of greatness?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 8-9 | Knowing Christ - Revealing True Power
Why can’t the disciples cast out that demon? They have seen Jesus heal people. They have seen the lame walk and the blind see. They have even heard the voice of God blessing his son Jesus. They know who Jesus is. He is the Christ, and yet we struggle.
Questions for the week
Describe a time when you’ve said all the right things, but been completely wrong?
Read Mark 9:14-29. What are the disciples unable to do?
What does Jesus do? What does He say about why the disciples couldn’t do it?
How have you been mistaken about Jesus in your life? How can Jesus reorient your thinking about him through humbleness and prayer?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 7-8 | 4,000 Crumbs - Revealing True Power
The religious leaders clutched their pearls at the sight of Jesus' disciples eating without washing their hands. What is this, Covid? Or is it strict religious devotion which has left so many feeling lost and alone, wanting satisfaction?
Questions for the week
What is a ridiculous rule someone has tried to make you follow?
Read Mark 7:1-23. What is the issue that Jesus is concerned about?
What are some rules we put on our faith that actually point people further away from Jesus and each other?
How does Jesus bring us closer to Him and each other?
Read Mark 7:24-30. How is it encouraging to know that even if we get the crumbs of God’s grace, it is enough?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 6 | Hearts & Loaves - Revealing True Power
The disciples look straight at Jesus and yet all they see is a ghost on the water. The newly freed people of God stuck in the wilderness long to return to their oppressors in Egypt. It seems even the best of us lose heart during tenuous times. But Jesus looks back at our fearful faces, saying, “Take heart, and remember the loaves.”
Questions for the week
What is the craziest abuse of power you’ve heard about in the news recently?
Read Mark 6:14-29. What words would you use to describe Herod as a leader? What does his reaction to the girl’s dance show us about him?
Read Mark 6:30-43. Specifically looking at verse 34, how is Jesus a different type of leader than King Herod?
When our hearts are hard, how does Jesus show us compassion? How does having a serving and compassionate king in Jesus change how we view power in the world?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 4-5 | Bad Soil Good - Revealing True Power
Bless your heart, Jesus, but this is just all bad soil. The waves were too much. The man was filled with too many demons. There is no way she could be close to God with all her problems. And that little girl just died. But where the soil is bad, Jesus seems to turn it good.
Questions for the week
Describe someone who was in a hopeless situation that was so bad, you would say that they were “beyond saving.” What made it seem like they were “beyond saving?”
Read Mark 4:35- 5:43. In each of these 3 sections, identify how Jesus takes hopeless situations and brings good news to them. In other words, how do we see Jesus turn bad soil to good soil?
Where in your life have you seen Jesus turn bad soil into good soil?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 3-4 | Seeds & Trees - Revealing True Power
What does God and His kingdom look like? When Jesus is asked this simple question, He does not give us pictures of great military battles in the sky, or with thinking of answers to difficult questions. No, He said it is like seeds and trees.
Questions for the week
Describe a time in life in which you saw or felt God working in a big way.
Read Mark 4:1-20. What is the parable of the sower about? Who causes the seeds to grow?
Read Mark 4:26-33. Who causes the seeds to grow? How is the Kingdom of God like a mustard seed?
This week, go and find a big tree. As you sit by and look at that big tree, think of how it started as a seed. Reflect on your own faith and promise of Jesus that comes like seeds.
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 2-3 | Bringing Down the House - Revealing True Power
Jesus is surrounded. People are everywhere pushing in, wanting to hear a fresh word of good news, wanting Him to heal their hurts. Some are even there blocking others just to catch Jesus in a slip of the tongue. But when some bring down the roof to be restored, others attempt to use the opportunity to bring down the entire house on Jesus.
Questions for the week
Think of a time when it was difficult for you to forgive someone. What emotions did you feel as you wrestled with what it meant to forgive them?
Read Mark 2:1-12. If you were busy and someone broke into your home to be healed, how would you respond? How does Jesus respond?
Why do scribes get angry? When have you gotten angry in a similar situation?
How does Jesus bring restoration to the paralyzed man?
Read the rest of Mark 2 and 3. How does Jesus restore different people back to God in each of the stories?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
[Sunday] Mark 1 | Let's Go! - Revealing True Power
The Heavens are ripped open, hurling God’s grace and power into the world. The sick are healed! The demons are cast out! He speaks new life into God's message! He doesn’t even fall to temptation. He is the one -- Good News at last! Let’s go!
Questions for the week
What is something in your life that has been a wake up call?
Read Mark 1. There is a lot about Jesus in this chapter. What is your favorite part of the chapter?
Specifically looking at verses 14 and 15, what does it mean to “repent and believe the gospel?”
Looking at all of these stories where we see that “Jesus is the Son of God,” how do these stories in Mark 1 help us see that Jesus is the Son of God and good news for you?
What Had happened at Grace this week.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20
Even though we look for security among the stone, Jesus shows us the heart of the redeemer. Matthew Chapter 16-17
Board games, laughter, and cookies? Ditch the screens and join us for a family game night packed with fun and delicious snacks! Unplug and reconnect - game night awaits!
God's grace, even in "crumbs," is sufficient for all who believe, regardless of their background or perceived deservingness. Matthew Chapter 14-16a
We did it! 🎉 And we couldn't have done it without our amazing community. Join us for a "Mortgage No Smore" potluck and mortgage-burning party on February 23rd.
Revealing True Power: The Gospel of Mark
Mark begins his Gospel showing his full intent, “This is the beginning of good news of Jesus, the Son of God.” This declaration of Jesus as the Son of God still deconstructs our own wants and dreams for power, from our feckless notions of political power, to the notions of us who want to gain power from religious dogma, to our own personal wants for notoriety and importance. Mark's Gospel reveals true power as we follow Jesus to the cross, revealing the good news of a life reborn of freedom.
Mark begins his Gospel showing his full intent, “This is the beginning of good news of Jesus, the Son of God.” This declaration of Jesus as the Son of God still deconstructs our own wants and dreams for power, from our feckless notions of political power, to the notions of us who want to gain power from religious dogma, to our own personal wants for notoriety and importance. Mark's Gospel reveals true power as we follow Jesus to the cross, revealing the good news of a life reborn of freedom.
There are clues and breadcrumbs which God has left us so we can see the resurrection today. We see it when our faces light up with a glory of amazement that can only be told about over and over.
Sometimes life just seems to unravel before our eyes. Maybe we need a savior who will unravel the creation to get us back.
Jesus rides into Jerusalem looking strangely like a ride of power from years ago. As Jesus continues to walk to the cross, he takes a path that resembles so many parades of power and prestige from those seeking crowns of glory. Come see the coronation of true power.
Our pride and search for power can blind us to the realities of our life. It can cause us to call evil good and good evil. It can even cause us to kill and destroy the things we love. This week we see how our pride is destroying Jesus.
Look at these huge buildings. Look at how high these bricks are stacked. The disciples walked into Jerusalem amazed at the splendor and power of these buildings. But like all temporal powers, they will be thrown down. In those days, if our trust is in how high the bricks are stacked, then our trust will be thrown down as well.
They make a show of it: their long prayers, their fancy clothes, and their questions that are only meant to trap. It seems like all the show is just for them. But look past the show and see the almost invisible giving everything she has. Perhaps then we will see the kingdom of God.
If only you have enough faith, you can throw this mountain into the sea. But it would also take an immense amount of faith to throw all that we hold dear away and say God is all I need.
The new student threw up his hand yet again, into the view of the increasingly frustrated teacher. The teacher marveled that the questions were not questions at all but merely statements to show off the intelligence of the new student.
Welcome a little child, and you welcome Jesus himself. Easy! But what if it does not mean what we think it does? And what does this have to do with the disciples arguing about being great?
Why can’t the disciples cast out that demon? They have seen Jesus heal people. They have seen the lame walk and the blind see. They have even heard the voice of God blessing his son Jesus. They know who Jesus is. He is the Christ, and yet we struggle.
The religious leaders clutched their pearls at the sight of Jesus' disciples eating without washing their hands. What is this, Covid? Or is it strict religious devotion which has left so many feeling lost and alone, wanting satisfaction?
The disciples look straight at Jesus and yet all they see is a ghost on the water. The newly freed people of God stuck in the wilderness long to return to their oppressors in Egypt. It seems even the best of us lose heart during tenuous times. But Jesus looks back at our fearful faces, saying, “Take heart, and remember the loaves.”
Bless your heart, Jesus, but this is just all bad soil. The waves were too much. The man was filled with too many demons. There is no way she could be close to God with all her problems. And that little girl just died. But where the soil is bad, Jesus seems to turn it good.
What does God and His kingdom look like? When Jesus is asked this simple question, He does not give us pictures of great military battles in the sky, or with thinking of answers to difficult questions. No, He said it is like seeds and trees.
Jesus is surrounded. People are everywhere pushing in, wanting to hear a fresh word of good news, wanting Him to heal their hurts. Some are even there blocking others just to catch Jesus in a slip of the tongue. But when some bring down the roof to be restored, others attempt to use the opportunity to bring down the entire house on Jesus.
The Heavens are ripped open, hurling God’s grace and power into the world. The sick are healed! The demons are cast out! He speaks new life into God's message! He doesn’t even fall to temptation. He is the one -- Good News at last! Let’s go!
Mark begins his Gospel showing his full intent, “This is the beginning of good news of Jesus, the Son of God.” This declaration of Jesus as the Son of God still deconstructs our own wants and dreams for power, from our feckless notions of political power, to the notions of us who want to gain power from religious dogma, to our own personal wants for notoriety and importance. Mark's Gospel reveals true power as we follow Jesus to the cross, revealing the good news of a life reborn of freedom.
- The disciples are seeking greatness. But Jesus points us to the dust. Matthew Chapter 18-20