
[Sunday] Mark 13 | Stacking Bricks - Revealing True Power

[Sunday] Mark 13 | Stacking Bricks - Revealing True Power

Look at these huge buildings. Look at how high these bricks are stacked. The disciples walked into Jerusalem amazed at the splendor and power of these buildings. But like all temporal powers, they will be thrown down. In those days, if our trust is in how high the bricks are stacked, then our trust will be thrown down as well.

[Sunday] Mark 6 | Hearts & Loaves - Revealing True Power

[Sunday] Mark 6 | Hearts & Loaves - Revealing True Power

The disciples look straight at Jesus and yet all they see is a ghost on the water. The newly freed people of God stuck in the wilderness long to return to their oppressors in Egypt. It seems even the best of us lose heart during tenuous times. But Jesus looks back at our fearful faces, saying, “Take heart, and remember the loaves.”

[Sunday] Mark 2-3 | Bringing Down the House - Revealing True Power

[Sunday] Mark 2-3 | Bringing Down the House - Revealing True Power

Jesus is surrounded. People are everywhere pushing in, wanting to hear a fresh word of good news, wanting Him to heal their hurts. Some are even there blocking others just to catch Jesus in a slip of the tongue. But when some bring down the roof to be restored, others attempt to use the opportunity to bring down the entire house on Jesus.

Revealing True Power: The Gospel of Mark

Revealing True Power: The Gospel of Mark

Mark begins his Gospel showing his full intent, “This is the beginning of good news of Jesus, the Son of God.” This declaration of Jesus as the Son of God still deconstructs our own wants and dreams for power, from our feckless notions of political power, to the notions of us who want to gain power from religious dogma, to our own personal wants for notoriety and importance. Mark's Gospel reveals true power as we follow Jesus to the cross, revealing the good news of a life reborn of freedom.