Spiritual Conversations

[Sunday] Gentleness & Respect - Spiritual Conversations

[Sunday] Gentleness & Respect - Spiritual Conversations

Peter sat up from writing the last paragraph and thought about all the times he was difficult to Jesus. He had put his foot in his mouth so many times. He even denied the Lord on that cold day when everything changed. But Peter's heart filled with warmth when he remembered how Jesus treated him when he rose: with gentleness and respect.

[Sunday] Shattered Beautiful - Spiritual Conversations

[Sunday] Shattered Beautiful - Spiritual Conversations

The residents of Winchester stare despondently as all the stained glass lay shattered all over the ground, shattered like the homes and lives of God’s people in Babylon, shattered like our lives when things have not worked out. But wait, look, there's a runner from the mountains with good news of grace and peace on their breath.

[Sunday] How Will They Hear - Spiritual Conversations

[Sunday] How Will They Hear - Spiritual Conversations

God’s people were saved from slavery - incredible news! God created them to be a blessing to all the nations in the world. But right before the captivity, they were only interested in what God could do for them. Those gentile outsiders were not good enough for what they had. To this, the prophet asks them, and us, “How will they hear?”

Spiritual Conversations (Teaching Series)

Spiritual Conversations (Teaching Series)

When it comes to evangelism, we have real fear of giving offense or being rejected. This fear creates barriers for many Christians when it comes to talking about their faith. Many people have said when spiritual conversations happened previously, it only created tensions and arguments. What I have seen is when we meld our faith with grace and good news, it will become a joy to have spiritual conversations, because it is indeed good news.