[Sunday] Rain on Enemies - The Party
Service [above] Sermon releases at 10pm [under]
Questions for the Week
1. Read John 3:16. What gift does God promise you? Why does He give you this gift?
2. Read Matthew 5:43-48. Why does Jesus say to love your enemies?
3. Why does loving your enemies show God’s abundance and His generosity towards you?
4. When you look at the world with the eyes of Jesus, seeing God’s abundance all around, how does your view of the world change? How might this view change the way you live?
---- THIS WEEK AT GRACE - Today November 15, 2020
Worship Service 8:30 AM
Second Worship Service and
video service www.gracelutheranpsl.com 10:15 AM
Zoom into Fellowship 12:00 PM - Noon
Korean Church Worship 1:00 PM
AA 7:30 PM
Rest of the week November 16 - 21, 2020
Olivet School Tuesday, 8 AM - 1 PM
Individual/Family Communion Wednesday, 11:00, 11:20, 11:40 & Noon
ACC Board Meeting Wednesday 3:00 PM
ZOOM Bible Study Thursday, 11:00 AM
Korean Church Prayer Gathering Saturday, 6 AM
Operation Christmas shoebox packing Saturday 9:00 AM till completed
For complete calendar information, go to www.gracelutheranpsl.com/calendar
THE FLOWERS ADORNING THE ALTAR are given to the glory of God by the Korean congregation.
CHECK IT OUT THE 2021 FLOWER CHART is up and ready for you to sign up for donating flowers next year in memory of or to honor someone close to you, a special occasion or giving thanksgiving to God. Weekly cost for the two vases of flowers is $30.00.
2021 ENJOYMENT COUPON BOOKS: are now available in the Narthex from Susan Becker. The coupon books sell for $35.00 each of which $10.00 is donated to Grace Lutheran’s Youth Group needs.
FAMILY MEALS… CONTINUES: Our collection of food and money for the “Family Meals” concludes today! All food and monetary gifts are greatly appreciated.
PLEASE CALL PEOPLE I realize I take for granted that people just come to the church on a regular basis. So that we all don’t descend into madness, let’s call and talk to each other regularly. Phone directories are available for your convenience.
MITES BOXES RETURNED? LWML Sunday was observed last Sunday. In celebration of this , we had placed a display of the Mite boxes for each of you, men & women, to take, to fill (coin, check or cash) and to return. The Mite box is the container used to gather the funds that help support various local and international mission organizations which , in turn, share the Gospel and love of Jesus.
“OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX PROJECT”: Please drop off your packed Shoeboxes this week November 15-20, between 9 AM and Noon. Then come and join us this Saturday, 9/21, from 9 AM till finished helping us pack the boxes. Thank you, Judy, 561-315-9555
COMMUNION ON WEDNESDAY: If you, or someone you know, would like to celebrate Holy Communion but prefer a small group or unable to attend Sunday service, Pastor Cris has set aside Wednesday’s to celebrate the meal in small/family groups. Please come by on Wednesday at: 11:00, 11:20, 11:40 or 12:00 (noon) and partake of this wonderful meal.
SEE YOUR GRACE FAMILY ON ZOOM! Pastor and Coli will be hosting Zoom to Coffee at NOON every Sunday for those who would like to join in fellowship “virtually” to see and chat with Grace members and friends. All are welcome!
BIBLE STUDY FOR ALL Pastor Cris is conducting a “livestream” Bible study online (www.GracelutheranPSL.com) with ZOOM, for you to participate in on Thursdays at 11:00 AM. ** You are also welcome to attend the Bible Study at church, in person! ** Seating with social distancing along with wearing your mask is now happening, at the Bible Study on Thursday at 11 AM and at Worship on Sundays at 8:30 AM and 10:15 AM.
GIVING - We are here to provide “Grace and Peace in this Chaotic and Lonely Time” to those in our church and community. Thank you for your past and continual prayers and financial support to Grace and your community. We have added Paypal for online donations. If you would like to give through Paypal, please go to: www.GraceLutheranPSL.com and click the “GIVE” button on the upper right side of the page.
Going to Casa Amigos Authentic Mexican Restaurant