[Sunday] The Way - Titus Chapter 2

The church should be an agent of transformation - not through culture wars or assimilation, but through wise participation in culture, devotion to Jesus, and the common good. All of this helps us show the beauty of the message about our saving God.


  1. Describe a time when you saw a Christian living poorly in society.  What was his reputation?  What effect did this have on his witness?

  2. Read Titus 2:1-15.   How does Paul encourage us to live? What effect does this way of life have on our witness (see verses 5, 8, 10)?

  3. How has Jesus freed us to live this way (see verses 11-15)?

  4. Describe a time when you saw a Chrstian living as a good citizen in society.  What was his reputation?  What effect did this have on his witness?

β€œIs there anything better than a wife who is chaste, domestic, a good housekeeper, a rearer of children; one to gladden you in health, to tend you in sickness, to be your partner in good fortune, to console you in misfortune; to restrain you in the mad passion of youth and to temper the unseasonable harshness of old age?”
— Caeser Augustus

New Song this Sunday

Watch to get acquainted.

What Had happened at Grace this week.