[Sunday] The Party - Titus Chapter 3
On one side you have an unhinged society, and on the other you have the strict law of compliance. But when it seems we are offered only those two realities, Paul reminds us that we are already at the party.
What do Christians often quarrel with those outside of the faith about? What do christians quarrel with those inside of the faith about? Why do you think they do that?
Read Titus 3. What advice does Paul give to us? Why can christians be free to live gentle lives and avoid such quarrels?
Titus is clear that we are to stand firm in the freedom of the death and resurrection of Jesus. That Jesus alone has saved us. How does this impact your walk with God and your neighbors around you?
New Song this Sunday
The audio only is the actual song we will use. The video will help with Melody.
Jesus does not become unclean by touching the afflicted; instead, HE imparts healing and life. It shows the kingdom is for everyone. Matthew Chapters 8-9