[Sunday] Beautiful News - Vanishing Grace
What does beautiful news look like? Perhaps, it looks like ordinary, dare I say, small things, like providing for someone who's hungry, loving your spouse, and being a good neighbor. Perhaps these small things provide the cooling shade of a great tree for us to rest under.
Questions for this week.
When is a time when you have received good news?
Read Isaiah 52:7 and Hebrews 13:1-8. What does it look like when God’s good news comes?
Read Matthew 13:31-35. How does good news come like a “mustard seed?"
What is a small “mustard seed” way God has used someone to bring good news to you that really affected you?
What might you do to bring a “mustard seed” of good news to someone this week?
The Kids sing "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" And they also play "First Noel" on the Bells!