Why Do Men Cry Watching Sports Movies?

Read the Whole Article Here https://mbird.com/2021/03/why-do-men-cry-watching-sports-movies/

It’s a cliché, I know. But it’s totally true. Men love sports (or at least 80% of us), and sports movies hit us in ways that rom-coms don’t. Watching two star-crossed lovers on the silver screen might provide its own comfort, but it doesn’t reliably incite waterworks like dramas of athletic glory. “Boy’s Don’t Cry,” as the saying goes. I wish it weren’t so, of course. I don’t get to make the rules. Masculinity is equated with strength — the kind that doesn’t permit public displays of emotion. Call it stoicism or sexism, men don’t often let their guard down to feel so obviously. Sports movies are something of an exception to the rule………………………………

Read the Whole Article Here https://mbird.com/2021/03/why-do-men-cry-watching-sports-movies/