Why the Justice of God is Good News

Read Orginial at https://mbird.com/2020/10/why-the-justice-of-god-is-good-news/

Just a few decades after Jesus’ resurrection, a wealthy shipbuilder from the southern coast of the Black Sea in modern-day Turkey stretched the insights of his favorite Christian teacher — the apostle Paul — toward what he understood to be their logical, magnificent conclusion: that the God and Father of Jesus Christ was purely, exclusively gracious, without one iota of wrath or judgment to his name. Enamored with what John Barclay has called “the singularity of nothing-but-benevolence,” the shipbuilder set out to reform the church in Rome in accord with his radical “perfection” of grace.[1] The shipbuilder’s name was Marcion, and he was eventually condemned as one of the first and greatest Christian heretics…………..

Read The Rest at https://mbird.com/2020/10/why-the-justice-of-god-is-good-news/