Grace Lutheran PSL

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You Are Forgiven

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When I was 15 years old I stole my parent’s car to hang out with this girl I was crushing on. Have you ever done something stupid like that before? Yeah, no driver’s license yet; not even a permit! But wait – it gets worse! I devised a plan to steal their 1988 Chevy Astro minivan so I could drive from where I was living in New Jersey over to Pennsylvania when my dad was out of town and my mom was working late (yeah, pretty sure that’s a felony). And I almost got away with it. In fact, I would have if it wasn’t for the guilt welling up inside me. So, the night before my dad was coming home, I fessed up. By the way, my dad’s name is Thor – so you can imagine why I was a little nervous confessing!……………….

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You Are Forgiven