News, Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher News, Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher

Christmas Dinner! 2024 [Photos]

Photos of Christmas dinner!

Every year, we gather for Christmas dinner on the Wednesday before Christmas. This year, we celebrated at Cheddar’s in St. Lucie West.

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Neighbors, News, Community Cris Escher Neighbors, News, Community Cris Escher

Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Dec. 15th 4pm Sable Palm 6

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever – Dec 15th. Starring Lauren Graham, Judy Greer, and Pete Holmes.

Movie: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
4PM Start, 3:30pm Doors open.

Food is Good, Full Service from your seat. Menu below

2539 S US Hwy 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34982

In Between Publix and Staples.


I encourage you to get there early.

December 15th, Sunday
Event Starts at 4pm, Doors open at 3:30pm
Tickets are 10 Dollars,
Only 110 Tickets Available

Address: 2539 S US Hwy 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34982

Theater gets Dark at 4pm

Doors Open 3:30PM

  • Sable Palm is a full service Theater.

    • Waiters will serve you from your seats and they have a full menu of food which you can eat at your seat.

    • Each Seat has a swing out table.

    • Each seat reclines.

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News, Photos, LWML, Neighbors Cris Escher News, Photos, LWML, Neighbors Cris Escher

Grace LWML Decorates for Christmas!

LWML Decked the Halls for Christmas!

Big Thanks to our LWML for making Grace look so festive for Christmas!

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News, Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher News, Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher

Update From Habitat for Children in Haiti

Some Haiti Updates.

Amazing to see the Girls from their First day of School

Haiti has had a few more setbacks which you have heard in the news lately.

Here is Meschac giving a few video updates about the good things happening in Haiti

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Neighbors, News, Photos, Serving Cris Escher Neighbors, News, Photos, Serving Cris Escher

Photos of Christmas Boxes packing.

153 Christmas Boxes to Haiti

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Photos, News, Neighbors, Kids Cris Escher Photos, News, Neighbors, Kids Cris Escher

Reformation Trivia Questions and Photos

General trivia, and a generally good time.

Here are the questions from Trivia

    1. What is the largest desert in the world? Antarctica

    2. Sir Isaac Newton had this many laws of motion. Three

    3. What type of whale is actually a dolphin? Orca

    4. What two primary colors can be mixed to make purple? Red and blue

    5. Which two states in the U.S. share the most borders with other states? Tennessee and Missouri

    6. Who was the Roman emperor who issued the Edict of Milan, granting religious tolerance to Christians? Constantine the Great

    7. How many months of the year have 31 days? Seven

    8. The chemical "NaCl" is better known as what? Salt

    9. How many countries are in Africa? 54

    10. How many bones are in the human body? 206

    11. What is the deadliest animal in the world? The mosquito

    1. In bowling, what is it called when you get three strikes in a row? A turkey

    2. What NFL team is the only team to finish with a perfect season (undefeated)? The Miami Dolphins

    3. When Shrek tries to explain himself to Donkey in Shrek, what does he compare himself to? Onions

    4. What NASCAR driver has a combined 200 race wins? Richard Petty

    5. What year did Netflix, previously a DVD rental business, introduce streaming services? 2007

    6. What is the "Mets" in New York Mets short for? Metropolitans

    7. What is the Wicked Witch of the West's name in the musical Wicked? Elphaba

    8. Which color is not on the Olympic rings: blue, orange, red, or yellow? Orange

    9. In 2010, Sebastian Vettel became the youngest Formula 1 champion. What country is he from? Germany

    10. What is the highest-grossing Broadway show of all time? The Lion King

    1. She cries herself to sleep each night, tears soaking her pillow. Lamatations 1:2

    2. She played fast and loose with life, she never considered tomorrow Lamatations 1:9

    3. We were the kings and the queens and they read off our names Taylor Swift:

    4. Long Live Her city gates, iron bars and all, disappeared in the rubble Lamentations 2:9

    5. And there you are on your knees, begging for forgiveness Taylor Swift:

    6. White Horse Your knives and swords and weapons that you use against me Taylor Swift:

    7. Mean We’ve been to hell and back. We’ve nowhere to turn, nowhere to go Lamentations 3:48

    8. These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down Taylor Swift:

    9. Change Stained from their dirty lives, Wasted by their wasted lives Lamentations 4:14

    10. They are the hunters, we are the foxes and we run Taylor Swift:

    11. I Know Places He will try to take away my pain Taylor Swift:

    12. Haunted He knocked me from the path and ripped me to pieces. Lamentations 3:11

    13. Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone Lamentations 18:9, Just Kidding!
      It's Taylor Swift

    1. What are the colors of the German flag. black, red, and gold

    2. There are four original colors of Starburst candy: red, orange, yellow, and...? pink

    3. The Reformation started in what year? 1517

    4. if it is 5:00 pm in Port St Luice, what time is it in Berlin? 11:00 PM

    5. Who wrote the Goosebumps book series? R.L. Stine

    6. What is the capital of Missouri Jefferson City

    7. How many colors will you find in a regular bag of M&Ms? 6

    8. What does BMW stand for (in English)? Bavarian Motor Works

    9. When Luther Went into hiding, how many weeks did it take him to translate the New Testament into German? 10 Weeks

    10. What year did Reese's Peanut Butter Pumpkins launch nationally? 1993

    11. When Christians observe Palm Sunday, what Jewish Holiday are they celebrating? Hanukkah

Photos from Reformation Trivia

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Serving, Neighbors, News Cris Escher Serving, Neighbors, News Cris Escher

Milton Aftermath at Grace (Photos)

We have wrestled with Milton. Let us stay together.

We contended with this storm, but we got through another one.

Please communicate with those at church to check on each other.

So here is what is in this post.

  1. How are things at Grace Lutheran PSL

  2. How are people doing in our Church

  3. How to help those on the west coast

How are things at Grace?

Things are good at Grace. We had the shutters up on the original building.
The church has power (I have never seen the church without power, as Grace is on the same lines that support the emergency room in SLW).

  • We do have some small things.

  • General debris on the campus

  • 4 of our decorative trees our down.

    • We have need for our trees to be uprighted and re-supported

  • Alzheimer’s patients return tomorrow morning.

Thanks to Maryann and Gary for Cleaning the grounds!

How are our friends doing in our church?

  • I (Pastor Cris and Coli) do not currently have power 10/10/24 4pm
    Everything else is normal.

  • Thursday was a scary day for us in St Lucie County. I don’t know what the final number was, but we had somehting like 20 tornandoes in the area.

  • I have talked and texted with a good amount of poeple.

    • Most are fine, some have power and others don’t.

    • I have talked with a few where the tornadoes did not hit them but homes in their direct neighborhoods where hit.

      • I know of

        • Frank and Trisha, Martin Co.

        • Megan and Tom, Rosser Blvd.

        • Kevin, Lakewood Park.

      • I know of more but these seemed to be the closest.

    • The first phone call I recieved Wednesday was from Joeseph and Lena.

      • It said they just got hit by a tornado. (north of Sams on Gatlin)

      • The tornado went right down the edge of their property and went down their road.

        • Their damage is minimal, but their water softner was damaged by a branch in the tornado. So they are without water and power.

        • They are staying with family in Tradition.

If you know any more stories, please let Pastor Cris know.
Here are some I have Recieved.

  • Hans

    • We did have a lot of tornado activity around us in Hope sound and south Stewart. We were under a tornado warning for four hours consecutive.

    • I visited three customers today, whose property is within a mile of our house and they varied from significant impact to near devastation.

How do we help with our friends on the west coast?

  • Thursday I recieved a call from Jay Wedland (head of Lutheran Early Response Team).
    He was asking for how we are and asking for volunteers to help in St Petersburg.

    • The 2 churches in St. Petersburg have 75 homes with signifigant flood damage.

    • He was asking for volunteers to muck out homes there before the mold sets in.

      • He stressed that it is not pleasant work. It is hot and messy.

  • I asked how long would someone be expected to help.

    • He said no more than a week, and it can be just a couple of days.

    • He will take what he can get.

    • Wednesday would be the earliest day you would begin.

  • To help, sign up:

    • Email:

    • Send this info:

      • Name
        Phone Number
        Email Address

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News, Neighbors, Serving, Service Cris Escher News, Neighbors, Serving, Service Cris Escher

Ways to Help Hurrican Milton & Helene Damage

Congregations across Florida are cleaning up after Hurricane Helene. Many buildings and homes have been damaged or destroyed, and the needs are significant.

Ways to Help Hurrican Milton & Halene

Give to Grace and we will disperse.

Choose Disaster response on paypal drop down.

Give / Volenteer / and find out more at our District Disaster response site.

Thrivent Matches Gifts

You can make a financial contribution to help those impacted. For every $2 donated through Thrivent's online giving platform or through a Thrivent Charitable Impact and Investing® Donor Advised Fund to one of the organizations listed below, Thrivent will add $1 up to $500,000.

Volunteer for LCMS disaster
Both of these response camps have been decommissioned

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Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher

Game Night Photos from September 24'

Fun and Games

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Photos, Neighbors, Serving Cris Escher Photos, Neighbors, Serving Cris Escher

Crafters and Sunday School Photos

Learning about and Serving Jesus

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News, Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher News, Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher

New Members Sunday 24' Say Hello.

So Proud of our New Members at Grace

We are so proud to invite our new members into Grace Lutheran PSL

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Neighbors, News, Photos Cris Escher Neighbors, News, Photos Cris Escher

Guys Night at Mission BBQ

Great time at Mission

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Photos, News, Neighbors, Kids Cris Escher Photos, News, Neighbors, Kids Cris Escher

Game Night in August 24' Photos

Playing Games with Friends

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Neighbors, Serving, News Cris Escher Neighbors, Serving, News Cris Escher

Blessing Students and Teachers for the school year.

Blessed for the New Year

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News, Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher News, Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher

Mets Game Photos! July 25th

Late Game photo. Missed a few folks.

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News, Neighbors Cris Escher News, Neighbors Cris Escher

St Lucie Mets Game - July 25th

Fun at the mets game

I have heard reports that the stadium is cashless even parking now.

BASEBALL - Tons of Fun!:

Join us for a Mets baseball game on Thursday, July 25th, from 6:00 – 9:00 PM
Door Open 5:30pm

at Clover Park (Mets Stadium). We will have shaded seating upward left as you walk in the main center entrance (3rd Base Side).   Playing the Palm Beach Cardnials

Enjoy $2 hot dogs, $2 soda, and $2 popcorn as well as $2 draft beer at the concession stands.  See Pastor Cris for more details.

Tickets are General Admission.
Just show up and purchase a ticket and meet us at the seats.

Fun Announcement !

Hey, you wanna join us for a night of cheap thrills and spills?

We're heading to the St Luice Mets Game, where everything is practically a steal.

10 bucks to get in, a buck for drinks, a buck for popcorn, and 2 bucks for dogs. That's less than a movie ticket, and way more fun.

We'll be sitting in the shade up high behind home plate, 3rd base line, where we can see all the action and heckle the players.

Don't miss this chance to have a blast all together!

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Photos, Kids, News, Community, Neighbors Cris Escher Photos, Kids, News, Community, Neighbors Cris Escher

Loo Wow: Luau for a Loo in Haiti [Photos]

Photo from the LooWow, Building a loo in Haiti

We had a great time at the Loo Wow!

We served Chicken and Jerry’s Smoked Pork. We had Some Haitian Rice and Chicken. A nice Salad, and Watermelon. Some Great Lime Pie!

We were raising money for a bathroom in Haiti.
We Raised $5200 for the church in Haiti. I could not believe the raised so much. Thank you.

Also thanks to all on the Ton of Fun Committee for putting on yet another great event.

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