Grace Email 4/24/19
Joan Lemke Memorial
Saturday the 27th
11:00 AM Visitation
12:00 PM Memorial Service.
Aycock Funeral Home
505 SW Federal Hwy, Stuart, FL 34994
This Weeks Reflection Questions
What is your favorite Easter memory?
Read Luke 24:1-12. What were the women expecting to find at the tomb? Why do you think they were expecting this?
When are the times in your life when you doubted that Jesus was actually alive, reigning as king?
Take a look at verses 5-8, what does the angel says that gives them hope? How do they respond?
How does the Easter resurrection give you hope today?
Watch the Easter Sermon
The Art of Life
You were created, but you were not just as a sack of unfeeling chemicals. You were created as a great work of art. But what if the world does not seem like a great work of art? What if I think my life is just a dark mess? I imagine that's what the women carrying embalming spices to Jesus’ grave thought. However, what they saw that morning changed how they saw the world and changed how they saw themselves. Christ is risen, they saw the Art of Life.
Watch it at….
Thursday Bible Reading
11AM On Thursdays, we get together to read the bible and talk about what we have heard.
This is Pastor’s favorite bible study. Join us as we listen to scripture for 45 minutes then talk about what we have heard.
We have been doing this bible study for almost 2 years and in that time we have read. Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, Judges, Ruth 1+2 Samuel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Job, Isiah, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Phillippians, Hebrews, Revelation.
All of this in just an hour and 15 mins a week. Come join us as we continue to read the bible together.
MOPS Helpers
Our Mothers of Preschoolers need more volunteers to help watch the little ones.
They meet at Grace on Wednesday mornings twice a month.
Get in touch with Pastor, Midge, or Judy if you are interested.
Adopt a Street. (2nd Tuesday of Month)
Tuesday at 8:30am
Join us as we clean up Grace’s Street so we can keep PSL Beautiful.
Corner of Cashmere and Torino.
Prayer List!
We have made changes to the prayer list.
We will keep a prayer request on the list for 3 weeks.
Please let us know every 3 weeks if you would like to keep someone on the list.
This change was made to ensure an accurate list of prayers.
Here is how to give us a prayer request.
Website -
Fill our a prayer form at Grace
Call the Church - 772-871-6599
See you Sunday!
Holy Week and Easter 2019
Holy Week Services!
Holy Week! 2019
Maundy Thursday
6pm Service, Dinner out afterwards.
Good Friday
Noon Service
7:30pm Service
Easter Sunday!
Sunrise 7AM
Breakfast 8:30 (after the Sunrise service)
Easter Sunday Service 10AM
Grace Member "Jerry Freudenburg " Featured in Lutheran Reporter!
Three-time NBA champion Shaun Livingston remembers his Midwestern Lutheran roots
Three-time NBA champion Shaun Livingston remembers his Midwestern Lutheran roots
In 2016, Concordia Lutheran School, a Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) K–8 grade school in Peoria, Ill., dedicated a major expansion of its facility, including a new gym, stage with sound system, and storm shelter.
NBA player Shaun Livingston of the Golden State Warriors was at the ceremony. Livingston, who graduated from Concordia in 2000, gave $1 million to the capital campaign to fund the expansion.
Kirk Wessler, a member of Christ Lutheran Church in Peoria and former sports writer and editor for the Peoria Journal Star, relates the details of Livingston’s gift to the school in his 2016 feature story, “Shaun Livingston and the Friendship Worth More than $1 Million.”
Wessler tells of Livingston’s childhood in Peoria and his grandfather’s desire that he be in church. So even though the family was not Lutheran, Livingston began attending Trinity Lutheran Church in downtown Peoria because it was the closest church within walking distance.
“At Trinity,” writes Wessler, “Shaun would be baptized, with longtime Concordia teachers Tom and Ruth Ruppert standing as his godparents. He would enroll at Concordia for kindergarten, which was taught by Ruth, and years later, in eighth grade, star for a Lutheran Sports Association state championship basketball team coached by Tom.”……………………………
Lent Services at Grace 2019
Wednesdays at 7pm!
Ash Wednesday Services
11AM -
No Music
Full Service
Potluck 6pm
Service 7pm
Sundays 10AM
Bible Study 8:45am
Holy Week! 2019
Maundy Thursday
6pm Service, Dinner out afterwards.
Good Friday
Noon Service
7:30pm Service
Easter Sunday!
Sunrise 7AM
Breakfast 8:30 (after the Sunrise service)
Easter Sunday Service 10AM
The Vote Passed - We are building a New Alzheimer's Daycare
New Building Coming Soon!
Coming Summer 2020
Email Blast Feb 13 2019
New Building Voters Meeting Feb 17th
After Service on Sunday
The meeting will be quick. After we finish the service, we will give instructions for voting, have the vote, and announce the winning vote.
There will be no discussion concerning the vote.
We want this to be a quick meeting. After the vote, refreshments will be served as usual.
If you have questions about the vote, please watch the video of our public discussion, or contact Pastor or Leigh Liagre
New Building Discussion Meeting Video
Above is the link to watch the information meeting.
Thursday Morning Scripture (Ruth)
Join us as we read Ruth (and 1+2 Samuel coming next)
Every Thursday at 11am we get together and read a large chunk of scripture and then talk about what we read.
Join us for good discussion and a large look at the scriptures.
Watch Last Week’s Sermon
We’re Not In Kansas Anymore - The Jesus Experience
Jesus asks the disciples “Who do people say I am?” They get it right and say he is the messiah. Jesus then goes to the top of the mountain, becoming bright and shiny. We’re not in Kansas anymore - this is literally a mountain-top experience. But when there are mountains, there are also valleys, with crosses, death, and suffering. We’re not in Kansas anymore.
A list of needed items is posted on the bulletin board in the narthex, and a collection box is in the narthex. Cash donations earmarked “Backpack” may be placed in the offering plate as well. For more information, contact Leigh Liagre.
MOPS Helpers
Our Mothers of Preschoolers need more volunteers to help watch the little ones.
They meet at Grace on Wednesday mornings twice a month.
Get in touch with Pastor, Midge, or Judy if you are interested.
See you Sunday!
Info Meeting Video- Feb 6th - New Building Alzheimer's Daycare
4pm and 7pm
Come on Feb 6th
at 4pm and 7pm
Faith is a gift of God, not something a person can be reasoned into
Most Christians would agree that the Gospel, the good news about Jesus, is the saving message in the Bible. But if we were to look at how our acceptance of this truth actually influences the way we interpret the Scriptures, or the way we preach and witness, or the way we deal with cultural issues and people outside of the faith, we would soon see our agreement fading.
So, while everyone might agree about the importance of the Gospel as the saving message of the Bible, not everyone agrees with how this belief should be embodied in the various practices of our faith. This raises a lot of questions. For my purposes here, two of them are important, “How do Lutherans understand the relationship between the Gospel and Scripture?” and, “How does our understanding influence our preaching and teaching and our lives together?” These are big questions, and in this paper, I can only start to address them. Though there are any number of directions that my argument could take, I am going to argue specifically that Lutherans have always and should continue to walk a middle road between two ditches into which it is easy to fall. The middle-of-the-road approach for which I am advocating is what I will call a “Gospel–centered approach.” The ditches to be avoided are a so-called Gospel-reductionist approach on the one side and a so-called Biblicist approach on the other
Read the rest in the PDF below.
Cameron Taylor Birtwell-Sloan Memorial Photos
October 19th
Join us Friday October 19th at 11am
To remember Cameron Birtwell-Sloan
She is Susan Becker’s Grand daughter.
Kimberly’ Daughter
and Cassie’s younger Sister.
Backpack Packing
Backpack is a service to the community where we provide food for children who are food insecure during the weekends.
Backpack is a service to the community where we provide food for children who are food insecure during the weekends.
Escher Open House
Sunday 3PM - 7PM
Pastor Cris and Coli are finally in their new home and would love to invite you in! Feel free to drop by for their Open House today between 3pm and 7pm.
Their address is