Revealing True Power: The Gospel of Mark
Mark begins his Gospel showing his full intent, “This is the beginning of good news of Jesus, the Son of God.” This declaration of Jesus as the Son of God still deconstructs our own wants and dreams for power, from our feckless notions of political power, to the notions of us who want to gain power from religious dogma, to our own personal wants for notoriety and importance. Mark's Gospel reveals true power as we follow Jesus to the cross, revealing the good news of a life reborn of freedom.
Mark begins his Gospel showing his full intent, “This is the beginning of good news of Jesus, the Son of God.” This declaration of Jesus as the Son of God still deconstructs our own wants and dreams for power, from our feckless notions of political power, to the notions of us who want to gain power from religious dogma, to our own personal wants for notoriety and importance. Mark's Gospel reveals true power as we follow Jesus to the cross, revealing the good news of a life reborn of freedom.
All Carols Sing and Storys
Wednesday! 6:15pm
Share your Favorite Christmas Story.
Coli will share one of her’s
Pastor Cris Will share a few.
Wednesday! 6:15pm
Share your Favorite Christmas Story.
Coli will share one of her’s
Pastor Cris Will share a few.
Live Stream
Imagination: A Handmaid of the Gospel
Our Lord is not only the King of creation but the King of creativity.
Hang around Lutheran musicians long enough, and you will, no doubt, hear these famous words of Martin Luther. “Music is a handmaid of theology.” It is easy to understand why this quote is so popular. Luther’s words are rich in their simplicity, beauty, and truth. They point to the heart of every good Christian hymn: Christ crucified and risen for you.
There are clues and breadcrumbs which God has left us so we can see the resurrection today. We see it when our faces light up with a glory of amazement that can only be told about over and over.