Week 1 Vanishing Grace Together Groups
We have a Problem
Pastor Cris’ Together Group
Together Group Video Week 1
Discussion Guide | Week 1
Vanishing Grace Together Groups
Meeting together to talk about Grace
New Together Group Weeks Released Sunday at 11am
We are stronger together and any challenge is better when helped.
I encourage you to meeting with other people to watch each week’s video and go through the discussion questions.
Philip Yancey on Facing the Canon [Good]
Philip Yancey, author of Vanishing Grace is a great interview about his love of Grace.
Philip Yancey, author of Vanishing Grace is a great interview about his love of Grace.
Ringing in the New Me
Life has changed, but have I really changed?
Read whole article at Ringing in the New Me - Mockingbird (mbird.com)
t’s the time of year when our New Year’s resolutions slowly begin to unravel. It doesn’t usually happen all at once, of course. A cheat day here, a provoked outburst there, compounded by the multiplication of days and weeks, and what once felt possible eventually becomes fanciful. Even my best intentions can’t always hold up to the temptation of a Chick-fil-A milkshake.
Every new year is filled with hopeless optimism that I can truly change. At the beginning of this year, I took time to look back and reflect on all the ways that my life is different than it was just 365 days ago. I moved to a new state, I got a new job, I got engaged. Life has changed in some sizab………………………
The Book of Advents (Teaching Series)
The Christmas season is filled with so much tradition, but so often we feel tired and frustrated by our attempts to fulfill our own desires. However, the Bible is the book of advents, the book of new beginnings when we see God come in a new way to save us all.
Abraham just received the best promise from God - it’s like he can do no wrong. However, his life still falls into struggle and troubles, and when he and the promise, Isaac, climb the Lord’s mountain. Abraham truly sees the advent of God for himself.
Reading Plan
Read around the readings for Sunday
Genesis 18:1-15
Romans 4:18-21
John 8:48–58
Genesis 28:10-17
1 Peter 3:15-22
John 1:43-51
Exodus 3:1-15
Hebrews 3:1-6
John 6:32-40
Joshua 1:1-6
1 Peter 1:3-9
Matthew 24:36-44
Isaiah 52:7-10
Titus 2:11-15
Matthew 1:18-25
Isaiah 63:7-14
Galatians 4:4-7
Matthew 2:13-23
Isaiah 60:1-6
Ephesians 3:1-12
Matthew 2:1-12
Service of Thanks 2022 | Thanksgiving
Join us for the Service of Thanks
Available Wednesday at 6pm
Sleeping in Church
When Sanctuary Is Safe
Read whole article at From Issue 21: Sleeping in Church (https_mbird.com)
As a preacher, I can proudly say that I’ve never bored an audience so thoroughly that someone fell asleep and fell out a window. (“Fell asleep,” okay, yes. But never “fell out a window.” I know, it’s a low bar.) I plan to give the apostle Paul a little dig about that if, as I hope, I get to meet him someday………………….
FLGA Middle School Gathering Photos
Great time this year
Pastor Cris, Coli, Pam, and Kyler had fun at the FLGA Middle School Gathering
SW Florida Hurricane Relief.
Latest Needs of SW Florida
Last edited 11/10/22
Next Truck Leaving from Grace Lutheran PSL Wednesday Nov 14 in the afternoon
Maybe, It might be later. Talking with the church.
I talked with Tim Richter at Zion Lutheran Church near Ft Myers. He surprised me at the needs that he expressed to me.
First off he said they have plenty of food right now. Food banks are full. Here is what they need.
Here is what they need.
Over the next few weeks. Goal to deliver these supplies in 2-3 weeks.
Baby Supplies. !!!!!
Paper Goods.
Paper Towels
Cleaning Supplies.
FLGA District LCMS
Info and Donations.
Photos of Supplies going to Ft Myers.
October 15th we took some supplies over to Ft Myers.
Tripple H: Head, Heart, Hands (Teaching Series)
Jesus is standing on the shore calling Peter and the other disciples to follow him. He says, "Come follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Jesus, in this one phrase, is calling them into stewardship in God’s Kingdom, calling them in head, heart, and hands.
Jesus is standing on the shore calling Peter and the other disciples to follow him. He says, "Come follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Jesus, in this one phrase, is calling them into stewardship in God’s Kingdom, calling them in head, heart, and hands.
Reading Plan
Read around the readings for Sunday
Jeremiah 16:14-18
1 Corinthians 1:1-10
Matthew 4:17-25
Deu 6:1-9
Colossians 1:15-23
John 10:7-18
Hosea 2:16-23
Galatians 5:16-26
Matthew 6:19-34
Micah 6:6-8
2 Corinthians 5:14-20
Matthew 10:5-15
Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24
Ephesians 1:15-23
Matthew 25:31-46
Week 6 Being Challenge Together: Choosing Church
Choosing Church
Pastor Cris’ Together Group Meets
Monday Starts at 7PM at Pastor’s House
Thursday Morning at 11am
Video recording releases Friday mornings.
Together Group Video Week 6
Discussion Guide | Week 6
Photos of Donations for Ian
Collecting things for SW FL
100 Toiletry Kits in the black tash bags.
We also donated all the food to the local
Week 5 Being Challenge Together: Seeking Solitude
Seeking Solitude
Pastor Cris’ Together Group Meets
Monday Starts at 7PM at Pastor’s House
Thursday Morning at 11am
Video recording releases Friday mornings.
Together Group Video Week 5
Discussion Guide | Week 5
Week 4 Being Challenge Together: Prioritizing Prayer
Prioritizing Prayer
Pastor Cris’ Together Group Meets
Monday Starts at 7PM at Pastor’s House
Thursday Morning at 11am
Video recording releases Friday mornings.
Together Group Video Week 4
Discussion Guide | Week 4
Hurricane Ian Damage at Grace (not much) Plus Bob Cat
Little bit of Damage, plus a Bob Cat
2 Trees in back of Grass Parking Lot Fell Over.
We Put them Back up!
Lots of flooding of perimeter of property. Lots of Scattered debris around.
No building damage
Big thanks to Patty, Pam, and Ken for Cleaning up the scattered debris.
Also big thanks to Katie, Jon and Meschac for helping put the trees back up!
Plus Bob Cat on Church Property.
Finding Grace Within The Walls Of Leagalism
The creativity of God knows no bounds.
Read whole article at Finding Grace within the Walls of Legalism - Mockingbird (mbird.com)
He leaned back in his chair, its squeak distracting him from what he wanted to say. He leaned forward, his hands folded on his desk next to his little sign: President So And So. He was that important, I don’t even remember his name.
Gosh this is formal, I thought.
“Well Janell, I called you in here because I’m concerned about what kind of Bible you’re using.”
Oh. Right. This again.
Fresh out of my private Christian high school in the fall of 2001, I willingly and knowingly admitted myself into an Independent……………………………………………………………
Holy Subversives