Sermon Series, News Cris Escher Sermon Series, News Cris Escher

Keep It Simple: Jesus has saved you. (Teaching Series!)

We often get in our own way, making salvation, giving, and all the ways God is involved in our lives more complicated than they need to be. Keep it simple; Jesus has saved you.

Keep it Simple: Jesus has saved you.

We often get in our own way, making salvation, giving, and all the ways God is involved in our lives more complicated than they need to be. Keep it simple; Jesus has saved you.

Reading Plan
Read around the readings for Sunday

  • 10/27/24

    • 2 Samuel 7:4-17
      Ephesians 2:1-10
      John 10:22-33

  • 11/3/24

    • Isaiah 49:8-16
      1 Cor 4:1-5
      Matthew 6:24-34

  • 11/10/24

    • Ezekiel 11:14-21
      Acts 4:32-35
      John 13:31-35

  • 11/17/24

    • Isaiah 25:1-9
      Philippians 4:10-20
      Matthew 22:1-14

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News, Service Cris Escher News, Service Cris Escher

Milton West Coast Cleanup

Sign Up to Help Our Brothers and Sisters

Needs have changed.

Mold began to set into the homes because of Helene and then Milton.
Because of Helene the insurance companies were already on the ground with their crews.
LERT have moved efforts to Sarasoda. It is a tree removal project now.

If you would like to help, sign up by emailing Jay Wendland:

  • Email:

  • Send this info:

    • Name
      Phone Number
      Email Address

(Old Information)
How do we help with our friends on the west coast?

  • Thursday I recieved a call from Jay Wedland (head of Lutheran Early Response Team).
    He was asking for how we are and asking for volunteers to help in St Petersburg.

    • The 2 churches in St. Petersburg have 75 homes with signifigant flood damage.

    • He was asking for volunteers to muck out homes there before the mold sets in.

      • He stressed that it is not pleasant work. It is hot and messy.

  • I asked how long would someone be expected to help.

    • He said no more than a week, and it can be just a couple of days.

    • He will take what he can get.

    • Wednesday would be the earliest day you would begin.

  • To help, sign up:

    • Email:

    • Send this info:

      • Name
        Phone Number
        Email Address

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Serving, Neighbors, News Cris Escher Serving, Neighbors, News Cris Escher

Milton Aftermath at Grace (Photos)

We have wrestled with Milton. Let us stay together.

We contended with this storm, but we got through another one.

Please communicate with those at church to check on each other.

So here is what is in this post.

  1. How are things at Grace Lutheran PSL

  2. How are people doing in our Church

  3. How to help those on the west coast

How are things at Grace?

Things are good at Grace. We had the shutters up on the original building.
The church has power (I have never seen the church without power, as Grace is on the same lines that support the emergency room in SLW).

  • We do have some small things.

  • General debris on the campus

  • 4 of our decorative trees our down.

    • We have need for our trees to be uprighted and re-supported

  • Alzheimer’s patients return tomorrow morning.

Thanks to Maryann and Gary for Cleaning the grounds!

How are our friends doing in our church?

  • I (Pastor Cris and Coli) do not currently have power 10/10/24 4pm
    Everything else is normal.

  • Thursday was a scary day for us in St Lucie County. I don’t know what the final number was, but we had somehting like 20 tornandoes in the area.

  • I have talked and texted with a good amount of poeple.

    • Most are fine, some have power and others don’t.

    • I have talked with a few where the tornadoes did not hit them but homes in their direct neighborhoods where hit.

      • I know of

        • Frank and Trisha, Martin Co.

        • Megan and Tom, Rosser Blvd.

        • Kevin, Lakewood Park.

      • I know of more but these seemed to be the closest.

    • The first phone call I recieved Wednesday was from Joeseph and Lena.

      • It said they just got hit by a tornado. (north of Sams on Gatlin)

      • The tornado went right down the edge of their property and went down their road.

        • Their damage is minimal, but their water softner was damaged by a branch in the tornado. So they are without water and power.

        • They are staying with family in Tradition.

If you know any more stories, please let Pastor Cris know.
Here are some I have Recieved.

  • Hans

    • We did have a lot of tornado activity around us in Hope sound and south Stewart. We were under a tornado warning for four hours consecutive.

    • I visited three customers today, whose property is within a mile of our house and they varied from significant impact to near devastation.

How do we help with our friends on the west coast?

  • Thursday I recieved a call from Jay Wedland (head of Lutheran Early Response Team).
    He was asking for how we are and asking for volunteers to help in St Petersburg.

    • The 2 churches in St. Petersburg have 75 homes with signifigant flood damage.

    • He was asking for volunteers to muck out homes there before the mold sets in.

      • He stressed that it is not pleasant work. It is hot and messy.

  • I asked how long would someone be expected to help.

    • He said no more than a week, and it can be just a couple of days.

    • He will take what he can get.

    • Wednesday would be the earliest day you would begin.

  • To help, sign up:

    • Email:

    • Send this info:

      • Name
        Phone Number
        Email Address

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News, Neighbors, Serving, Service Cris Escher News, Neighbors, Serving, Service Cris Escher

Ways to Help Hurrican Milton & Helene Damage

Congregations across Florida are cleaning up after Hurricane Helene. Many buildings and homes have been damaged or destroyed, and the needs are significant.

Ways to Help Hurrican Milton & Halene

Give to Grace and we will disperse.

Choose Disaster response on paypal drop down.

Give / Volenteer / and find out more at our District Disaster response site.

Thrivent Matches Gifts

You can make a financial contribution to help those impacted. For every $2 donated through Thrivent's online giving platform or through a Thrivent Charitable Impact and Investing® Donor Advised Fund to one of the organizations listed below, Thrivent will add $1 up to $500,000.

Volunteer for LCMS disaster
Both of these response camps have been decommissioned

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News Cris Escher News Cris Escher

New Hymn , “O Church Arise” (Getty)

Great Hymn about Service in the Kingdom of God

Here is Grace’s Recording for Sunday (coming soon)

Listen to the Original

On Octorber 6th 2024 we are singing
“O Church Arise”  

© 2016 Getty Music Publishing;  Worship Together Music   CCLI 4611992,

1. O Church arise and put your armor on

Hear the call of Christ our Captain

For now the weak can say that they are strong

In the strength that God has given

With shield of faith and belt of Truth

We’ll stand against the devil’s lies

An army bold whose battle cry is love

Reaching out to those in darkness

2. Our call to war to love the captive soul

But to rage against the captor

And with the sword that makes the wounded whole

We will fight with faith and valor

When faced with trials on ev'ry side

We know the outcome is secure

And Christ will have the prize for which He died

An inheritance of nations

3. Come see the cross where love and mercy meet

As the Son of God is stricken

Then see His foes lie crushed beneath His feet

For the Conqueror has risen

And as the stone is rolled away

And Christ emerges from his grave

This victory march continues 'til the day

Every eye and heart shall see Him

4. So Spirit come put strength in every stride

Give grace for every hurdle

That we may run with faith to win the prize

Of a servant good and faithful

As saints of old still line the way

Retelling triumphs of His grace

We hear their calls and hunger for the day

When with Christ we stand in Glory


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News, Bible Studies. Cris Escher News, Bible Studies. Cris Escher

Week 3 Serving Challenge Together group: Availability

Availability Is what we are talking about this week.

Top Here is Pastors class

Baretto Together Group
Wednesdays 6:30

Pastor Cris’ Together Group Meets

Thursday Morning at 11am
Thursday Evening Starts at 7PM at Pastor’s House
Video recording releases Friday mornings.

Together Group Video Week 3

Discussion Guide | Week 3

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News, Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher News, Photos, Neighbors Cris Escher

New Members Sunday 24' Say Hello.

So Proud of our New Members at Grace

We are so proud to invite our new members into Grace Lutheran PSL

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News, Bible Studies. Cris Escher News, Bible Studies. Cris Escher

Week 2 Serving Challenge Together group: Attitude

Attitude Is what we are talking about this week.

Watch Pastors Groups recording here.

Baretto Together Group
Wednesdays 6:30

Pastor Cris’ Together Group Meets

Thursday Morning at 11am
Thursday Evening Starts at 7PM at Pastor’s House
Video recording releases Friday mornings.

Together Group Video Week 2

Discussion Guide | Week 2

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News, Bible Studies. Cris Escher News, Bible Studies. Cris Escher

Week 1 Serving Challenge Together group: Intro

Serving Is what we are talking about this week.

Watch Pastors Groups recording here.

Baretto Together Group
Wednesdays 6:30 at Baretto Home

Pastor Cris’ Together Group Meets

Thursday Morning at 11am
Thursday Evening Starts at 7PM at Pastor’s House
Video recording releases Friday mornings.

Together Group Video Week 1

Discussion Guide | Week 1

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News Cris Escher News Cris Escher

Serving Challenge Together Groups

Lets Take up this Challenge together

New Together Group Weeks Released Sunday at 11am

We are stronger together and any challenge is better when helped.
I encourage you to meeting with other people to watch each week’s video and go through the discussion questions.

Here are the Official Groups

  • Burro’s Wednesday 6:30pm

  • Escher’s Thursday 7pm

  • Pastor’s Thursday 11am

In you would like to create a group Get in touch with pastor and we will promote it.

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News, Photos, Kids Cris Escher News, Photos, Kids Cris Escher

Second Sunday School in September 24'

Fun time talking about the Exodus.

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News Cris Escher News Cris Escher

New Song , The Jesus Way

New Song for the New Series (Serving Challenge)

Here is Grace’s Recording for Sunday

Listen to the Original (We Changed The Lyrics)

On September 15th 2024 we are singing

The Jesus Way(CCLI 7217888)
© 2023 Be Essential Songs; Cashagamble Jet Music; Phil Wickham Music; Simply Global Songs

1. If you curse us, then we will bless you
If you hurt us, we will forgive
If you hate us, then we will love you
There’s love in the Jesus way

2. If you’re helpless, we will defend you
if you’re burdened, we’ll share the weight
if you’re hopeless, then let us sh’ow you
There’s hope in the Jesus way

We follow Jesus; we follow Jesus
He wore our sin we, gladly wear His name
He is the treasure; He is the answer
There’s love in the Jesus way

3. If you strike us, we will embrace you
if you chain us, we’ll sing His praise
if you kill us, our home is heaven
There’s hope in the Jesus way  (REFRAIN)x2

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Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher Service, Sunday, Sermons, News Cris Escher

[Sunday] Under Pressure - Hold Fast: 2nd Timothy

When under pressure, there is hope and resilience in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ which causes us to look at the world differently.

When under pressure, there is hope and resilience in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ which causes us to look at the world differently.

Questions for the Week: Hold Fast:  Paul's 2nd Letter of Timothy - Under Pressure 

  1. How have you experienced pressure or suffering in your own life? In what ways has your faith helped you to endure these challenges?

  2. Read 2 Timothy 4.    How does Paul speak of pressure and hope?  What does he cling to for this hope?

  3. How does the love of God, as revealed in the cross of Jesus Christ, change everything? What does it mean to love others as Christ loves us?

  4. When looking at all of 2 Timothy, what is the biggest piece of encouragement you can take with you?

What Had happened at Grace this week. 

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News, Photos Cris Escher News, Photos Cris Escher

Photos of Grace Hello Day one 24'

The First Session of the Fall 24' Grace Hello Groups

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Neighbors, News, Photos Cris Escher Neighbors, News, Photos Cris Escher

Guys Night at Mission BBQ

Great time at Mission

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News, Photos, Kids Cris Escher News, Photos, Kids Cris Escher

Bible Club Pool Party and Avery's First Communion [Photos]

Great Way to End the Summer!

Congradulations fo Avery, Welcome to the Table of our Lord with us.

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