Crab Racing! April 23'
The Racing Crabs are Coming! May 28th 23’
The racing Craps are coming to Grace May 28th 2023
Seder Meal Photos 23'
We had a great time remembering the Last Supper. The Passover meal of Freedom.
Thanks to all that hosted and came to the Seder meal.
Spring Clean up Day at Grace
Thanks for the Deep Clean!
Big Thanks to all that came and cleaned.
Big Thanks to our friends at the Korean Church!
Grace Hello, Welcoming New Members to Grace [Photos]
Inviting 16 new Members!
Great New Member Sunday at Grace. We invited 16 new people.
Cris and Ed Bock to Tallahassee
Trip To Florida Capital.
Eb Bock and Pastor Cris Escher went to Tallahassee with Alzheimer's Community Care to promote Alzheimer's care in Florida.
FLGA Middle School Gathering Photos
Great time this year
Pastor Cris, Coli, Pam, and Kyler had fun at the FLGA Middle School Gathering
Photos of Supplies going to Ft Myers.
October 15th we took some supplies over to Ft Myers.
Photos of Donations for Ian
Collecting things for SW FL
100 Toiletry Kits in the black tash bags.
We also donated all the food to the local
Hurricane Ian Damage at Grace (not much) Plus Bob Cat
Little bit of Damage, plus a Bob Cat