Sermons Cris Escher Sermons Cris Escher

Beastly Nature - Uncomfortable - Daniel 7

We go back in time; Daniel is back in Babylon under that last terrible king. Daniel wakes up sweating; he had a terrible dream, just like the kings before. He sees four beasts coming from the sea, each more powerful than the last. The fourth is the biggest and worst beast; however, we see the son of man gives us hope for the future.


  1. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had?

  2. Read Daniel 7:1-14.  Describe Daniel’s dream.

  3. In Daniel’s dream he sees 4 beasts coming out of the sea.  Describe a time when you saw an institution or individual acting like a beast.  Also, think about a time when you have acted like a beast.

  4. Read Matthew 26:57-68.  This is Jesus before the High Priest, right before they hand him over to the Romans to crucify him.  How does Jesus answer the high priest’s (Caiphais’s) question about whether he is the Christ?  

  5. Ultimately, how does Jesus (the Son of Man) deliver us from the beasts around us and the beast of our sin?

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Trusting with Lions - Uncomfortable - Daniel 6

Babylon is over; the Persians are no longer in charge. King Darius loves Daniel because he has an amazing spirit of the Lord and is able to help the king do his job well. But the other leaders don’t like Daniel and create a rule to bring him down. How will Daniel react; will it be with panic and anger, or will he trust in the Lord no matter what may come?


  1. Share about a time when you had to deny yourself something.

  2. Read Daniel 6:1-5.  What is Daniel’s job with the new King, who is still not known to follow the true God?  What about this job surprises you? What does this tell us about our vocations/jobs?

  3. Read Daniel 6:6-24.  Compare and contrast what happens with Daniel to what happens with Jesus before the cross and His resurrection.  

  4. Read Daniel 6:25-28.  What effect does God’s deliverance of Daniel have on the king?  How might you bear witness to Jesus who has delivered you?

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Writing On The Wall - Uncomfortable - Daniel 5

Fast forward 20 or 30 years. The current king of Babylon is not a good one. There are drunken parties every night, even though there is trouble at the gates. But when will this king open his eyes? Perhaps when the writing is on the wall. Or perhaps his heart will always be hard.


  1. Describe a time when you realized “the writing was on the wall?”

  2. Read Daniel 5:1-9.  What action by the king causes the writing on the wall?  How do we participate in similar actions? What should be the result for us?

  3. Read Daniel 5:17-23.  Thinking back to Daniel 4, what is the difference between King Nebucudezznar and Belshazzar?  

  4. Read Daniel 5:24-31.  What is the interpretation of the writing on the wall?  What should be the result of our sin?

  5. Read Isaiah 49:8-18. As we struggle with the writing on the wall, what message does God give us through his prophet Isaiah? 

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Beastly Pride - Uncomfortable - Daniel 4

The king wakes up in a cold sweat, another bad dream. A huge tree that touches the sky is cut down and is prevented from growing out of the ground again. What does it mean, and will the king listen? Or will the king keep up his behavior of glorying his own image and become no different than a beast in the field?


  1. Share a time when you saw someone's pride cause them to fall.

  2. Read Daniel 4:1-27.  What is King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream? How does Daniel interpret what it means for the king?

  3. Read Daniel 4:28-37.  Compare verse 29 and verse 34, where the king is looking.  What does this tell us about our pride and our relationship with God?

  4. Read Philippians 2:5-11. How does Jesus come into the world?  How should we respond to this? What does this say about pride and humility?

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Value of Life - Uncomfortable - Daniel 3

The king sets up a huge image, and when the music plays, you are to make yourself reverent towards that image and join in worship. Daniel's friends respectfully decline, which enrages the king so much that we see his value of the image of God: human life.


  1. What are some things that culture expects us to bow down and declare our allegiance to today? (Read Daniel 3:1-7)

  2. Read Daniel 3:8-30.  How do Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego respond to the king’s demand?  Why do you think they respond this way?

  3. What does the king do after he confronts them?  How does God show up?

  4. How does this story give you encouragement to live out your faith in Jesus in today’s world?

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Uncomfortable in Culture - Uncomfortable - Daniel 1

Daniel and his 3 friends are the best of the best. They are all royal Hebrews: handsome and filled with wisdom. But when they are taken captive by Babylon, they are put in a place meant to demean them. They are given new names glorifying false gods and are given food sacrificed to those gods. How would you handle this situation? It’s interesting to see what Daniel does.


  1. What, in today’s world, makes it difficult for you to live out your faith?

  2. Read Daniel 1:1-7.  What do the Babylonians do to try and strip Daniel and his friends of their identity of God’s people?  If you were Daniel's friend, how would you be tempted to respond?

  3. Read Daniel 1:8-21.  How does Daniel respond to the Babylonians?  What does God give him and us that enables us to respond in this way?

  4. Read 1 Peter 2:13-25.  Here Peter speaks of submitting to authorities who we might sometimes not agree with.  What wisdom does Peter give to you in these verses?

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Rough Seas - The Spirit Experience - Acts 27

Paul has been passed from local official to local official. No one knows what to do with him; they think he is innocent, but he wants to stand before Caesar. This sends Paul into the chaos of the sea, riding a ship from the outskirts of the empire to the center of Rome. But along the way there are problems. Huge storms and a shipwreck show us God’s love and guiding grace among difficult times.


  1. Read Acts 27:13-26.  What happens along Paul’s journey to Rome?  What promise does Jesus, through an angel of the Lord, give Paul?

  2. When are some times that you have felt in distress in your life?  What is God’s promise for you? How do you know His promise is true?

  3. Read Acts 27:27-44.  What does God use to preserve his people through the 14 days of the storm?  What is Paul’s role in this?

  4. What is God’s promise for us in the midst of suffering? How can you encourage a Christian friend who is going through suffering in their life? 

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Belts and Bribes - The Spirit Experience - Acts 20-26

Paul wants to go to Jerusalem to visit the church there; however, on his way, folks keep talking about Paul in chains down in Jerusalem. When he arrives, a riot immediately ensues, forcing the rioters and the government to act in the only powers they know. Paul is showing them and us a different way, where we don't have to worry about what the opposition will do to us. Paul is showing us the way of the kingdom.


  1. Read Acts 21:7-16.  How does Paul respond to Agabus when he prophesied that Paul will be put into prison?  

  2. Often times things can be scary for us in our faith.  How can Paul’s trust in Jesus encourage you? 

  3. After Paul is arrested, he gives similar speeches in his defense.  Read 22:1-22. What are the key points of his speech?  

  4. In times when the world seems to persecute you, how can you keep speaking of Jesus and the resurrection?

  5. Bonus Question:  For an overview of this whole section, read Acts 20-26.  What are some common elements across these chapters? How do they help us understand the way of Jesus?

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True Power - The Spirit Experience - Acts 19

Paul walks into Ephesus, and he sees multiple displays of power. First he sees the Spirit of God when some are baptized and they begin speaking in tongues. Then he sees the Spirit when some begin to use the power for their own gain and are quickly humbled. Finally, there’s power of the crowd when they feel Paul’s message of Jesus threatens their city and their God.


  1. Read Acts 15:1-5. What is the issue that the church is facing?

  2. Read Acts 15:6-22.  What is their decision regarding this issue?  How do they go about making their decision?

  3. Read 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1.  Their decision at the Jerusalem council in Acts 15 deals with how to live under the freedom of Christ.  How does Paul in 1 Corinthians shed more light on this?

  4. What are some temptations you have faced that cause you to use the freedom you have in Christ that is permissible but not beneficial? 

  5. How does Christ and His attitude towards you and other sinners serve as a model to imitate for neighbors in your life?

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Manufactured Gods - The Spirit Experience - Acts 17

Paul goes into a new city; first he goes to the Jews then he ends up with the Greeks. However, when he goes up to Athens, he does not go to the Jewish center but instead to the center of Greekness, Mars Hill, where the learned came and discussed the wisdom of the world. But sometimes gaps show up in the manufactured idols, and statues get made to unknown gods. Paul gives this unknown god a name and tells his story.

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Freedom To - The Spirit Experience - Acts 15

Back in Jerusalem the church is hearing all these amazing stories about how the pagan Gentiles are confessing their sins and turning towards the one true God. They are rejoicing until someone in their midst asks if they are circumcised. After all, this one God they are worshiping called for all His followers to be circumcised. What does the church do? Actually maybe the correct question is how does the church handle the issue?


  1. Read Acts 15:1-5. What is the issue that the church is facing?

  2. Read Acts 15:6-22.  What is their decision regarding this issue?  How do they go about making their decision?

  3. Read 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1.  Their decision at the Jerusalem council in Acts 15 deals with how to live under the freedom of Christ.  How does Paul in 1 Corinthians shed more light on this?

  4. What are some temptations you have faced that cause you to use the freedom you have in Christ that is permissible but not beneficial? 

  5. How does Christ and His attitude towards you and other sinners serve as a model to imitate for neighbors in your life?

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Zealous - The Spirit Experience - Acts 13

Paul stands up before the willing synagogue and retells the story of Israel to them. However, he upsets all those in power in how he tells the story. Those powerful Jews then attack Paul and kick him out in a zealous rage. Watch your Zealous Nature.

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Answer the Door, Rhoda - The Spirit Experience - Acts 12

Rhoda and all her Christian friends are praying for Peter. He is imprisoned by a murderous Herod, and suddenly he is miraculously freed from prison. He then goes to his praying friend’s house, knocks on the door, and yells, “Let me in, guys!” Rhoda hears Peter’s voice and thinks it’s a ghost and runs inside. Answer the door, Rhoda.

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It's Not About The Bacon - The Spirit Experience - Acts 10

Peter is sleeping, but then he gets a vision from the Lord. Bacon, lobster, and Christmas ham: Oh my! The Lord looks at Peter and says not to call dirty what the He has made clean. The Lord has made all food good for Peter to eat. But when Peter meets a Roman general, he realizes it’s not about the bacon.

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Pursuing Purity - The Spirit Experience - Acts 8-9

Saul sees his job as one of purity. He is trying to hunt down this new strand of idolatry, those followers of Jesus (this so called “The Way”) and imprison them.  His job is done so well that those in “The Way” have left Jerusalem and have begun spreading to the ends of the earth. But his job is not done yet; he chases them to Damascus to imprison them. However, as he is pursuing purity, he discovers that their spreading has already happened.

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Letting Go - The Spirit Experience - Acts 6-8

The story of Stephen in Acts is remarkable. He’s a man who comes to prominence when the disciples needed help with the dishes. This man was a thorn of discomfort to the religious leaders of the temple, and they began to rile up the crowds against him saying Stephen wanted to destroy the temple. He then tells the story of God’s people saying that it has always been about letting go.

As you read through Luke, what has been one new thing you have learned about Jesus?  

  1. What is something that you held onto that you now see held you back?

  2. Read Acts 6:8-15.  What do the people claim Stephen is doing wrong?

  3. Read Acts 7:1-53.  To refute the claims, Stephen tells the biblical story.  What are the key ideas and points that he makes? What is the overall idea he is telling?

  4. Read Acts 7:54-60.  What does Stephen say as he’s being stoned?  What gives him the strength to do this?

  5. Stephen ultimately asks the father to forgive all those who are stoning him. Who is someone you can offer forgiveness to this week?

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They Must Have Been Drunk - The Spirit Experience - Acts 2

The Spirit of God comes like a wind, and all these people begin to speak in other languages and perform other wild acts. The people around are all amazed, and some say that all these people must be day drinking to act so weird. But they were not drunk; they were just acting in love of God our Father.

As you read through Luke, what has been one new thing you have learned about Jesus?  

  1. How would you describe the Holy Spirit to someone who had never heard about the Holy Spirit before?

  2. Read Acts 2:1-21.  What happens when the Holy Spirit comes?  What do people from the scripture think has happened?

  3. What does Peter say has happened?

  4. Read Joel 2:28-32. What is the connection between Joel and Peter’s sermon?

  5. What are some things the Holy Spirit does in your life that would cause people in the world to think you are “crazy” or “filled with new wine?”

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You Will Be - The Spirit Experience - Acts 1

Jesus is alive! He has been hanging out and teaching the disciples for 40 days now and they ask him a question. Jesus we have seen what you can do the power you have, when will you restore the kingdom to Israel. Jesus then looks at them, quotes Isaiah and says you will be…… and disappears into God’s presence.

As you read through Luke, what has been one new thing you have learned about Jesus?  

  1. What comes to your mind when you think about the book of Acts?

  2. Read Acts 1:6-11.  What question do the disciples ask Jesus?  Why do you think they would ask Him that?

  3. What does Jesus promise will happen?

  4. Who is someone that you have seen in the world which needs the love of Jesus?  What has prevented you from sharing that love?

  5. Have you ever thought that Jesus may be sending you to bring His restoration to that person?

  6. What would it look like for Jesus to use you to be His witness in that situation?

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Recognize Jesus - The Jesus Experience - Luke 24

How will you recognize Jesus? Now really think about that question because no one recognized Jesus after He rises from the dead. It seems those who recognize him throughout Luke’s gospel are all doing the same thing: eating with Him.

As you read through Luke, what has been one new thing you have learned about Jesus?  

  1. Read Luke 24:13-35.  What things happened in order for the two men on the road to Emmaus to recognize Jesus?  

  2. What are physical ways that God comes to you today?  

  3. Read Luke 24:36-49.  How do we know that Jesus’ resurrection was not just spiritual but, in fact, was also physical?  

  4. Read 1 Corinthians 15:12-19. What type of resurrection will we have?  Why do some people only think about a spiritual resurrection? What is the importance of Christ’s physical resurrection for you?  For further study on this, read all of 1 Corinthians 15.

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The Art of Life - The Jesus Experience - Luke 24

You were created, but you were not just as a sack of unfeeling chemicals. You were created as a great work of art. But what if the world does not seem like a great work of art? What if I think my life is just a dark mess? I imagine that's what the women carrying embalming spices to Jesus’ grave thought. However, what they saw that morning changed how they saw the world and changed how they saw themselves. Christ is risen, they saw the Art of Life.


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